Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wouldn't You Love to Know?

Some people might be having their doubts about this belief system I have returned to after I slipped back into atheism. Let me explain how it happened.

The simplest way I can put it is this. As I said, there is more to the world than what meets the eye. The way to see it, in perfect harmony with the lesson of the risen Christ, is through love.

I am in my music an expression of love. When I deleted my songs, I deleted my love and lost my vision. As such, I fell back into atheism. (But it was merely an accident. With no views showing, I didn't have enough faith to believe that anyone was listening.)

Atheism is a kind of blindness. It is closed-mindedness. It subjects the unexplainable to critical analysis. In this sense, it is pure folly.

Any kind of closed-mindedness is bad for you. It causes you to reject too much of your world, depriving you of an otherwise rich and rewarding life experience.

I hope that explanation is sufficient, since I can't elaborate on it much more than that without my guitar.

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