Sunday, October 10, 2010

Walled By My Self

A lot of folks are concerned about the planet turning into a giant -uh- penitentiary. In a sense, it already has become one, but the cage is not constructed of stone and iron. It is made up of the self.

I've lost count of how many times I've been dumped on by others. In most of these occurrences my unwelcome informants would be in a foul mood as they related their stories, almost always involving failed interactions with other people.

In every instance, even while I was without my faith, I gave the same advice. Turn your thoughts outward. Put yourself in the other person's place. But they refused to listen to me. They'd rather suffer and feel sorry for themselves.

Had they taken my advice, I'm sure they would have found, if they looked close enough, that the other person was suffering, too. They'd no longer have felt alone in their grief. If everyone's going through it, it's not suffering any more. It's living. And I wouldn't have to hear about their unpleasantness again.

But two things act against me when I tell them this. The first is a person's secret need to suffer, in order to add more intensity to their life experience. The other is the individual's inclination towards being self centred. They'll go on suffering, either because their life is too boring without it, or because they wouldn't snap out of their self induced fit long enough to listen to the advice for which they claim to have been asking. Or both.

And let me tell you, it really upsets me! What the fuck am I supposed to do with these people? What's that? I mean they just come waltzing in here, taking me for granted! They're driving me insane! They won't listen to me! And they just think of themselves all the time! What's that? I mean...

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