Monday, October 11, 2010

Lost in Grace

Free will means we are free to think and act however we choose. I've already tested mine by going back to atheism before I returned to my belief in Christ. As everyone can see, I made it through unscathed.

Free will comes at a price. Having more choices means having more doubts, and doubt is the enemy of faith. It also means we must tolerate the choices of others, however personally offensive they may be to us. I'm still struggling with that second one.

I've never been interested in paying for sex. I want love from a woman. If you're paying her, you're sort of forcing her to love you. From a spiritual perspective, you get less out of it. I prefer her to come to me freely. Then I can be sure of her love.

This might be why my God has endowed me with free will. It would be too easy to just grab me by the ears and drag me to Him. Frankly, I'm grateful that He's interested in loving me at all.

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