Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hollow be They Name

Some time ago I observed a trend among young people to speak the words outlined in the Scriptures which purport to drive the Holy Spirit from their speaker's lives forever. At the time I was firm enough in my atheism to commend people for taking this step.

While saying that you deny the Holy Spirit is serious business, I'm not sure it would be enough to forsake you from the loving kindness of an almighty God. In order for this action to have its desired effect, you must do more than mouth the words from a page; you must mean them from your heart. Given that the participants were led into this act by others, their personal conviction seems questionable.

We think we mean it when we say things. I occasionally lose my temper and shout insults that I want taken seriously in the heat of the moment. Later on, however, my anger turns to shame. Unable to go back in time and handle the moment better, I find myself asking my God and my target for forgiveness. It's called repenting. And it's a way to prove that you didn't mean what you said or did. My God understands that we can't be wholly repsonsible for our actions down here. And he has a soft spot for young people.

The flip side of this involves prayer. To stand up like a zombie during mass and rhyme off words that have been pummeled into your subconscious is likely not nearly as effective as knowing what you are saying as you are saying it. My favourite prayer is the Lord's prayer, and I stil find that I must go back over the words and acknowledge their meaning once or twice if I am saying them in my head. But it's an excellent prayer, well worth the effort.

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© 2010. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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