Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Razing My Tempter

I said I wanted to learn about power, and I'm still learning. Now I get the idea that I'm learning about it from the very top.

I have lived the life of a common man all my years. Among such men it is acceptable to lash out in retaliation for perceived wrongs done to us by others. Indulging in a fit of anger imbues me with a sense of power. But this would not be necessary if that sense of power were already there.

Perhaps this was why it was so natural for Jesus to absorb the innumerable wrongs that were visited upon him. Even while in the form of a man, he knew he was God. And God didn't walk the earth to get ensnared in his minor interactions with other men. He came her for all humanity.

As a man he lived up to his position. by freely submitting to lesser authorities, such as the local Roman governor, he ended up having the whole Roman empire laid at his feet within a few brief centuries. (This much is fact, but my intuition tells me he survived to witness it.)

Why did it work out this way? How does one made to suffer such a humiliating end become glorified and worshiped? This had less to do with how he was killed than how he handled it. He proved he was God by remembering, before his mortal body drew its last breath, to forgive those who so cruelly and unjustly killed him. It takes more than magnanimity to do that: it takes divinity.

How do I sense power in myself, to spare me from unnecessary tantrums? In following his example. I'm sensitive, and kind of an emotional firecracker, so it's slow going for me, especially when I'm tempted to hurl Molotov cocktails. In the menatime, I hope I have your patience.

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© 2010. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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