Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vanity Scare

After yet another enlightening dream, I gather that I owe the following message to my women followers, wherever they are. I'm sorry I'm not as cool as Jesus.

Chicks dig Jesus, and I don't blame them. He was wise and powerful. He was a rebel. He was a visionary. And he could take their abuse better than anyone else before or after him.

I hate to disappoint my God, but I sense that I'm not making the most of the beautiful things he offers me in my shunning of the possible approaches of women. I'm working on this. In my dream I was told that even he didn't look at their vanity; he looked at their tits.

Sex is a way to release one from his torments. It involves letting go of that rational part of you that knows better and losing yourself in pure pleasure. It's a pure, sensual, animal joy that bookworms like me might be slower to get down to.

Don't worry, Lord, I'm over their vanity. For the last three years now I've just been holding out for one I can trust who won't answer my fear of their sadism with more sadism.

Besides that, angels don't get jealous of women but women get jealous of angels. I wouldn't want my plan to fail and all those needy people to have to do without just because I was too moral to fuck my fans. Also, while intercourse with angels may please the mind and settle the soul, as long as I'm in this form, my body cries out for a woman.

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