Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chilling Devout

I do not wish to offend devout worshippers with some of the comparatively course language I use to describe my personal Jesus. Our fear of offending a God of Forgiveness seems silly to me, but I do admit that his power can be terrifying. (In fact he only uses it for good, but withdraws from protecting those who close their hearts to him.)

I see the sea of silver heads exiting the church on any given Sunday. I know where that uptight, old fashioned attitude likely originates. I suspect that it is driving away potential new followers from among the ranks of the young.

Jesus was a young man, was he not? Didn't he have a hard time with those uptight Pharisees and Scribes?

If I may digress a bit here, sometimes I marvel at how a whole church full of people can appear to have missed key points of the gospels, not just by passing judgement on others, which is forbidden, but on the very people Jesus favoured, like the poor and the broken spirited and the prostitutes and the incarcerated. It's as though they're all talking about a book that none of them have read. Maybe they are.

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