Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thinking the World Is You

There is something very important that I need to share now. I have decided to end my campaign against the Bible. After my vision beyond the grave, I would not want to do the person who may have made it possible any further disservice by mocking his message of eternal life, though I suspect that he would have a well developed enough sense of humour to forgive me and to tolerate everything I have written about him up to now.

It might also be that he has grown dissatisfied with the text of the New Testament, a couple of thousand years having passed and some of the concepts needing to be brought up to date for the modern world. As comical as this sounds, I'm entirely serious. The world has changed a lot since his last appearance, with potential followers losing the faith that would spare them so much suffering while they remain trapped in this physical form.

I can't explain to you how I arrived at these thoughts. Once again, I am limited by language. But it does make perfect sense that such a man's life, were it to have been a reality, would leave little or no historic trail for the generations that came after him, for his message was one of faith. He meant that we should believe his words in spite of all the evidence against them, just as I must rely on faith to believe that my views are higher than zero for most of my songs.

I think his principle message was simple, that one life experience is everything, with him in the centre. By giving his life for you on the cross, he opened a way, through his selfless example, to occupy that centre position within your own universe. In him you have the power to feel peace and hope, no matter how badly you are treated by others if you can answer hate with love because, after all, it is part of your world and, therefore, part of you. The people of the ancient world, however, were far less educated than we are today and, if you'll notice, he was often forced to rephrase himself over and over.

I do believe he meant this message for everyone and not just church goers. But church is a nice way to get people thinking outside of themselves if it doesn't come as naturally to them as it did to him.

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