Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Who's Not Helping Whom?

I'll let you know if I break down and start back into my habit. Since I am planning a career in the public eye, I would be a fool to try to hide it. I think I'm going to make it this time, though. I'm simply getting too old to take such risks with my health. I probably quit in the nick of time.

I spent the morning listening to my top twenty-five on my computer again this morning. I'm proud of my songs. A lot of very nice recordings in that set. And I gather that no one among the self appointed competition has been able to produce a song to effectively compete with my songs because all I ever hear is second hand put-downs coming from them through their followers. If they have no good music of their own, they resort to bashing my music with a non musical insult of some kind, usually monosyllabic and attempting to be clever. Then all the monkeys who love to imitate the person ahead of them in the comment cue send it to me much as I would receive a succession of machine gun bullets. This is how YouTube rewards its talent. But if you want to know how it rewards the egos of web frauds, just look at how much of my music had to be yanked away from bands who started out on YouTube by ripping me off and went straight from there to MTV and a recording contract: hours of three minute songs, each of which I broke my back to write and record.

Maybe I'm crazy for hearing the voice of the Lord so clearly in 2010. That is what I thought when the same occurred in 2007 and I ended up regretting it. So even if I am crazy for hearing the voice of the Lord this time, I know it is somehow connected to my online activities and I am taking the experience seriously. He did not tell me very much. Most of what He had to say sounded like it was told directly to my subconscious alter-ego and I could not make it out. He must know that I am ruled by my subconscious, which makes subconscious instruction the most efficient in my case. Subconscious Dave also stayed Christian while I returned to atheism in 2007, interestingly enough. I grow more and more like him every day.

But the Lord did tell me a few things directly. When I went to church at that time I heard Him say let it nourish your heart, as I was about to take the host. That was how I knew it was Him. He told me everything else when I was in my apartment alone. He said that atheism is a disease. He made me feel ashamed when he asked, What did you say about Me?. He said that He defeated Satan and that He can do anything. He had a suffering future in mind for me, and when I complained about it He said look what I had to go through, which made me laugh out loud. He said, I can be a prick. Yes, He actually used that word. He told me He 'hated' my prayer when I was praying wrong. But the most mysterious thing He said to me was, they don't help me. I didn't know who 'they' were. I'm still not sure, but I'm starting to get a pretty good idea.

Every once in a while I will hear someone tell me, that doesn't help us. They want me to think that I am somehow betraying myself by sharing the truth here in my Blogger account before the whole world. While I may make life more uncomfortable for myself by doing this, I am not doing it so much for myself as for God. And anyone who thinks that I should compromise this immortal truth over the superficial, passing concerns of this fleeting world is putting their own needs above the needs of God. They are precisely people who are not helping God.

Why do my critics never want to talk about the Kingdom of God? Why do they never want to talk about the universe or divine justice? Aren't these a principle focus of my discussions these days? But all they ever want to talk about is their own puny careers. If hell is, as Sartre put it, other people, it must be other people like this.

12:49pm: If hell is other people, I better include people from Surrey who need to listen to their woofers day and night. As a non-smoker I may now look forward to saving my money to escape this misery. I'm already off to an impressive start from my efforts this month.

I thought of another thing that the Lord told me directly when I went home earlier. He said I had to switch from atheism to deism (remember my goddess?) before He could 'find' me. Apparently when you adopt atheism, even if it is only a conscious decision, it bumps you completely off of His radar.

I'm glad I waited until now to share the details of this encounter. We needed to expose all the mountains of commercial fraud committed with my web posts first - see my Copyright Issues page - in order to show why God might have chosen such an otherwise ordinary individual for such a phenomenal experience. While I was with Him in October 2010, His children were with the stars who stole my work. Even I was unaware of the extent of the fraud with my work at that time and wondered why He was so concerned about it. But much of my work which was turned into fraud for profit came from this deeply spiritual encounter as it manifested in 2007, and to turn such works of the heart devoted to Him into evil fraud claimed by proud atheists must have hurt Him profoundly. I believe that I was punished for rejecting a genuinely holy encounter as a schizophrenic episode in all the years that fraud shows and fraud bands pranced all over my name with my own work, but by 2010, when I heard His voice again, perhaps He decided it was their turn to pay for their lack of faith. Until this matter is fully resolved, I think it is unsafe to watch TV or listen to the radio.

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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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