Saturday, June 10, 2017

God Is Always Right

So I took a couple days off from posting and what filthy lies have they been telling you about me? Did they tell you I'm in jail? I heard someone say I was weak when I announced that I needed a break to concentrate on breaking my smoking habit. Do you all think I'm weak? How would you fare against so many big stars and corporations and foreign governments by yourself? Why do you listen to these people? Do you hate me or something?

I find my life has been ruined so thoroughly by the crime of fraud, which the broadcasters call 'just business', that I can't think about my life for even a few seconds without flying into an uncontrollable rage. That's quite a severe psychological injury these TV stars have been allowed to inflict on an innocent man. But I have found a way to escape my misery for long periods as I struggle with my withdrawal symptoms. (Not even a puff for the last three days.) I have returned to my childhood habit of reading novels.

Alif the Unseen was recommended to me by my next door neighbor, another bookworm. He must have known a little about my passion for web code. I loved this book. I read the whole thing, cover to cover, in less than two days. It's about an Arab-Indian hacker who stumbles into a very colorful netherworld in his fight against the corrupt practices of his tyrannical government. I couldn't stop turning its pages and I think G. Willow Wilson is brilliant. The dialogues were a teency too hostile for me and not as philosophic as I would prefer, with the exception of the lead character's conversations with a sheik and with jinn - intelligent spirits of lower rank than angels, such as genies - but it's her book and she can write her dialogues as she prefers.

I do admire middle eastern people for their profound faith in God. I wish we could be more like that here. As I read Wilson's book, my own miseries became trivial. I wonder how many people were able to escape their miseries through something I wrote in the last ten years and who all thanked lying frauds for it while they hated my guts and added to my miseries. Maybe the media knows. If so, we certainly never will.

So I'm back in the library to find more novels to distract me as I fight for full control of my will. Since no one wants to pay me any money for my work after it earned millions of dollars on the radio and TV, I must quit smoking to save my disability cheques. And I was rewording a few things from my last couple of posts in Statements of Fact this afternoon when I saw that line I wrote about God's truth. Let me explain it a little better here.

First of all, I believe in God. So I believe that my authoring and artistic talent is God's gift. So God's truth, in this respect, is that He made me so that I can write funnier scripts than certain corrupt TV stars. And it is that He made me so that I can write more rocking music than certain corrupt rock stars. And it is that He made me so that I can draw better than Matt Groening. (No one mocks that name, eh? How do you pronounce that? Groining? Sorry, I think that's fair payback for being called a cow by his fans.)

In one of his parables, Christ said that some of the workers only worked two hours and were paid the same as those who had worked eight hours. Is this not very similar to Tina Fey struggling for eight hours on a comedy script and producing next to nothing while I work on one for two hours and get a good result? Christ said that we must not question God's judgment in how He chooses to hand out His gifts. And if you have a problem with me being more talented than Jon Stewart or Ellen Degeneres, you are arguing against God's judgement.

When you argue against God's judgement, it doesn't matter who you are, you lose. You can be a big TV star that everyone loves, but if you argue against God's judgement, your TV show will be cancelled and you will lose your fans. Are the Simpsons still on the air? Family Guy? The Daily Show? Are the Crystalids still on the radio? Is Blue Rodeo still playing my songs on the radio? Where is Blue Rodeo? Is Nickleback still playing Fool's Paradise on the radio? As for George Carlin, I can only guess that he is far worse off than his living fellow offenders. These are just a few examples of how you lose when you argue against God's judgement.

If you don't believe in God, then you could say that you were arguing against nature by dismissing my superior talent in favor of superficial televised image peddling. Arguing against nature doesn't seem very wise either.

Is everyone able to see my last few posts? Maybe It's YouTube's Fault is where I point to YouTube's obvious culpability in handing my hit songs over to rich rock stars and talk about how their view counter is meant to manipulate and not to inform. Can you read that all right? Or did something happen to it behind my back? These deadly cowards always attack me behind my back and that's why I have to ask you this question. And I added Jon Stewart's perverted crime of poetry fraud to my post Perverse Acts of Evil. Can you read all that okay? Stealing poetry is an evil crime and the broadcasters are being even more evil now by hiding it at the victim's expense. I think broadcasting and the internet are talent's worst enemies, but that's another blog.

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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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