Thursday, September 15, 2016

Pray Tell

About my age, my mother had me when she was thirty-nine. She refused to take the birth control pill after having six children out of her adherence to her Catholic faith. Since she had me late in life, she couldn't stick around for me much longer than she did. And what a time to lose both your parents. It has really heaped a lot of stress on me. I have to go for walks and air my grievances. Last night, around 10:00, I was on Keefer Street by the soccer field, vocalizing my displeasure with certain media people who have kept the focus on my image and away from my work for as long as I can remember, when a passer-by appeared out of the darkness in front of me who took exception to my remarks. I apologized for the misunderstanding, but that wasn't enough for him. He thought he was entitled to call me 'dog shit', which sounds to me like a crude retort to one of my most recent posts here, the one where I say that some dogs are better off than people. I don't know this guy and I need nothing from him, but he needs to read my blogs so he can insult me in the street with them. Tell him I don't want him here. I'm serious.

I know that a lot of U.S. Christians read my blog. I added another George Carlin violation to my long list of his violations today, the one about fascism. I thought that fascism was unpopular, but I might be wrong about that, judging from a lot of the feedback I get from my posts. Anyway, I am not necessarily a 'liberal' but a fiery moderate. I would only look like a liberal to a fascist. And I can't believe I had to suffer so much for criticizing the U.S. military-industrial complex in 2002 (Newsweek) when I was essentially echoing the sentiment of Eisenhower, a Republican president. I also feel somewhat responsible for the rise of Ann Coulter on FOX News. I can just see that FOX News memo: 'it looks like a Canadian liberal is making a splash on the internet by being irreverent. Maybe it's time we had an irreverent author...' Yeah, but I had a point. All Coulter had was her hate. Bashing war widows? There's no sound argument for that. And why do right-wing people who lie about me and hate the poor call themselves Christian? To trick people into trusting them.

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