Saturday, September 10, 2016

Grave Advice

I'm back to say hi to all my good faithful readers. This is one blog that I will always keep open, no matter what happens. I think it may be my most important.

I spent the afternoon listening to a bunch of my songs at home: Conviction, Hairball (great dirty guitar sound), Virtue (great dirty guitar sound), Rules, Spoils, Arise, Juice and Gr. Moose, Orcastra, Free, and Space 2009, to name a few. Are they ever fun! Those creeps must have had so much fun with my songs. They must have danced and laughed and partied like crazy with my songs. They must have had such a great time with all my beautiful songs. And a lot of them were on the radio, eh? They must have made so much money from my songs.

I recall reading how John Lennon didn't want to meet Bob Dylan at first because he was intimidated by Dylan's lyrics. (Dylan wanted to meet him, though, because he liked his wacky chord progressions.) Lennon waited until he wrote Norwegian Wood, a song with substantial lyrics, before he would meet face to face with Dylan. But today when performers are intimidated by artists with more substantial material, they don't struggle like Lennon did to improve their work, they just go online and steal the songs that intimidate them and tell everyone that the author is a fraud. And look how the business supported it. It sure makes every second of my life a struggle to have to live with this crime against my image and my talent.

In keeping with this blog, I thought I should tell you faithful ones a little bit more about what I learned through my conversion experience. You may believe it or not, but I have no choice but to believe it. I learned that there is no music in Hell. One of those Christian ghosts was talking to me and telling me about how offenders of my copyright were being severely punished and for some reason she said that Hitler would have liked me. Of course, I wasn't flattered or anything, but I knew that Hitler was a music fan and I asked her if he liked my music. She answered: they don't let you listen to music in Hell. So that's one detail about Hell that I believe I already know without having to pull a Dante and visit there myself on a sightseeing tour with Virgil.

Lucifer is an archangel and angels are musical, but Lucifer must keep all the music to himself in Hell and listen to it with headphones while he laughs at all his sensory deprived subjects like Hitler. I gather from scripture that Lucifer thinks we get too much attention from God. Therefore, he would be quick to take away the rich, divine blessings we may take for granted in this life, such as music, laughter, colour, being at the top of the food chain, and all the sweet simple pleasures that cost no money. Hell must really be a drag to be stuck in for eternity. I hope I can stay out of there.

And I believe in final judgement. Judgement is one of those facts of life from which there is no escape. Judgement exists. Besides having laws to moderate our own behavior, we pass judgement on the animals all the time. We say, this one can breed and this one can milk and this one can go to the slaughterhouse, etc, etc. Clearly, superior beings are allowed to pass judgement on their inferiors. Submitting to the rule of the superior works out well for animals, such as dogs, some of whom live richer lives than people. It follows that if you submit to the rule of God, the ultimate superior being, He could vastly improve your life in the same way. On the other hand, just as biologists may create abominations with their DNA experiments, a deviant child of God would be viewed as an abomination by his Creator. Since our souls are indestructible, the only option would be to consign the thing to oblivion - or Hell - and get it out of sight where it can no longer offend.

A final note about my family: I have a normal family. Sibling rivalry is normal and everyone wants to be star. It's up to the broadcasters to minimize the potential harm to an up-and-comer like myself by keeping his siblings out of the spotlight. Instead, they put my siblings in the spotlight and now where is one of them? And are the broadcasters happy now? That could have been avoided if they weren't so treacherous in their defense of their mediocre TV stars and music stars who spend more time bashing and stealing my posts than trying to improve their own content. I hope I can patch up all the harm and heartbreak they have caused my relatives through the court system, but don't hold it against my family for what happened. It's the dirty, back stabbing media's fault.

I don't watch them or read them at all now. I don't even know what our new prime minister looks like. It's great. You should try it.

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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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