Thursday, October 8, 2015

The God Who Had Long Hair

The God Who Wasn't There is a documentary that subjects the Christian faith to logical analysis. I've viewed a number of these types of productions since I reported my first conversion experience in 2007, which was very impressive to me personally but insufficient to sustain my faith through the horrors that followed over the next three years and the destruction of thousands of my former online posts by countless network and label supported frauds. Then I inadvertently began reconstruction of this blog. Before long, I found myself again yielding to the unmistakable presence of God in my life, just as I did the first time I wrote it. I'm glad I believe in God again because humanity has failed me. I don't think that true happiness is possible for me on Earth anymore after experiencing hate and betrayal on such an colossal scale, but I can still dream of a brilliant afterlife.

As a Christian, I find myself arguing with atheists, though I do not pass judgement on them. This film brought up a Scripture passage that condemned homosexuality and shunned the Scripture passage where Christ invites 'he among you who has not sinned' to throw the first stone at a condemned sinner. Jesus also loved and forgave a prostitute. He also said, 'Judge not, lest ye be judged.' The reference to 'man lying with a man as with a woman' being an 'abomination' is from Leviticus in the Old Testament which does not represent Christ's own teachings but merely gives us a background to his more orthodox religious roots.

The author pointed to the forty year gap existing between Christ's death and the first Gospel as being solely occupied by the convert, Paul. In fact, Peter and the other apostles were also very active in this period, preaching with the kind of bravery and determination that could only have come from being first hand witnesses to the events of the Gospels. Peter was crucified upside down and his bones have since been recovered and positively identified.

I don't care if Osiris or Mithra or Dionysus share characteristics with Christ. That doesn't make Christ a fraud. Christ was the only one to emerge from all these resurrected messiahs and remain worshiped all the way to the present. I believe that this is because he is the true Messiah.

A man was invited to say that he couldn't enjoy Heaven with the knowledge that sinners were being punished in Hell, but when I heard that the Crystalids had been incarcerated to give me a break in the summer of 2011, I was overjoyed. I didn't have to feel like such a loser for living in an S.O.R. because it was better than their prison cells. I didn't have to feel foolish for having no girlfriend because it was better than having to be a girlfriend - if you know what I mean. And I expect God's righteous punishment of the wicked to please the righteous souls of the saved along similar lines.

The film bashed Mel Gibson's The Passion, which grossed over three hundred million dollars. Wow. That's almost enough money to make Satan jealous. Actually, I dislike the Passion, myself. I don't think we should be receiving our theology from Hollywood movie stars. Hollywood is too corrupt. Besides that, the Word of God means something a little different to every individual and should be left in scriptural form. The glorious kingdom it offers is present in each of our unique hearts, making common reference points like Mel Gibson's makeup a barrier to salvation. Even Christ dared not to preach in concrete terms but favored parables. The Word of God should expand one's outlook, not trap it within the parameters of a movie theater.

On the same note, I do not literally interpret everything I read in the Scriptures. A few things in the Bible make little or no sense to me and as such I find them useless but not necessarily wrong.

Jesus didn't come here to improve our science but to save our souls. The correct mapping of celestial objects does nothing to help one recover from a broken heart. His mission was successful because of the hope he offered humanity, a hope that extended two thousand years to help me find a reason to go on living and loving in a cruel world that turned my greatest pleasures into my most miserable sorrows.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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