Tuesday, September 13, 2016

To You

If I believed the evil illusion of insignificance that the broadcast industry has created around me to clear the way for stars like Tom Hanks and Clint Eastwood to make blockbuster movies out of the popular things I say or for stars like Mike Myers or Tina Fey to make blockbuster movies out of my very scripts while I am dismissed as a nonentity, I would think that I didn't have to tell anyone out there not to worry about me over my father's passing because I wouldn't think anyone knew or cared about it. But in spite of the joy it gives others to call me a zero here, I'm going to inform my readers that I am just fine today. I am relieved that my father is free of suffering. The time to give a break to people with dying loved ones is as the loved ones are dying. If you read how I have been treated in the last five years, you'll see that it is too late for such a break in my case.

I'm into all new scripts at home. I can tell they are all new. I am capable of piling up these things to enormous levels over relatively short periods and I expect that I will have enough new scripts in the next year or so to make five Saturday Night Live shows by myself. And I won't share a word of them until that filthy show is gone from the airwaves.

I am well on my way to paying that lawyer for an all-out lawsuit. Let's see how impressive these stars are going to be when they have no money. I imagine they'll be as impressive to their public as their victim has been here to all the strangers who laugh at him on the sidewalk or in the soup line or who talk about him openly to their friends as he rides the public transit. I doubt they'll handle it nearly as well as they have forced me to handle it all these years.

When I speak of suing stars and broadcasters, I speak purely of justice. To hell with money. That infernal idiot box has everyone chasing empty, artificial rewards and dismissing what's important in this life. I'd rather have my loved ones with me than be a damn TV star. Why are they allowed to use their broadcasting influence to peddle such an immoral, myopic philosophy to good, innocent people? If the stars were so happy about being stars, they wouldn't have needed to rip me off. Remember that before you ever get envious over their apparent success.

[7:42pm:] I had to come back to the library this evening, not just to correct my hyphenation for the word nonentity - in case any CBC staff are reading - but to pick up some more picture books to help me with my illustrations. About that whale illustration, I drew all my critters but the equine in my Mammals poem from a big picture book called the Illustrated Guide to Wildlife in 2007. Our VPL copy was replaced in 2010 with a new copy. It has a big panda bear on the cover. Very nice book. So why was my whale drawing included in that slide show they were showing a big crowd in 2008? To make an ass out of me? What else is new with my good work.

I wrote seven new scripts at home today. It reminds me how I used to so prolifically share my work from my home connection in 2007, back when I thought I could still trust Telus, the big corporation that stole my Friend in Need song for their TV ad. One of them is a real gut splitter. Hope I will be able to share it with you one day. I wrote six new scripts and one new commercial, though one of the scripts is a hilarious extension of my existing Stampeding Epicure script. Of course, you need more than a funny idea to be a successful script writer, you must be an effective author, one whose syntax won't interfere with the laugh's appeal. That's why I feel safe giving a hint as to my content of this script. It won't spoil your laugh when the time comes.

I just thought of something religious to keep this post in context. I say precisely the same things about wealth and happiness now that I did when I first shared my thoughts on the subject in 2007. We think we'd be happy if we were rich but this is not necessarily true. A lot of really miserable people are rich and you can tell by their behaviour. For instance, when we are happy, we want to hug everyone. Does that sound like Rupert Murdoch or Conrad Black? So that thought is what spurred my content for the first two chapters of my poem, the Masterpiece. Check them out. And if you're rich and you're unhappy, you must feel like twice as much of a loser. I posted such thoughts in 2007 to uplift the poor and the not-so-rich initially, but those rich stars, with their overextended egos, got stepped on with it. It's their fault for having overextended egos. I wasn't writing against them, I was writing for you, my dear readers. And look how they've made me pay for it. And after ten years, I don't need to contradict myself by one word from what I said before because truth doesn't change.

About the Trinity, I should try to explain it a bit. Any good priest out there may correct me if I'm wrong. The Father is the Creator God. Jesus is God incarnate. The Holy Spirit is God's presence in humanity, as in great works of music, art, science, etc. (My songs and poems and writings and drawings, as such, aspire to be workings of the Holy Spirit. And look what the evil TV did with them. That's why I accuse them of witchcraft, besides seeing them practicing their evil magic with my own eyes outside my building in 2011.) These three are one. It does not make sense mathematically, but through intuitive faith. Because it makes no sense and it is true, such as how I might only be happy when I'm miserable, for my art's sake, it has a psychedelic effect on the mind, which gives it an authenticity around the higher reality of God's existence. I better go find my book now. I'll try to have a new drawing up for you by Thursday. And I'm completing my indexes at home to get them all ready for the lawyers to use.

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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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