Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Vengeance Is His

My dear, gentle readers, I hope I have not put you off too much with some of the stronger words I have been forced to use in this prolonged struggle for my rights to my own work. I know that we have been commanded by our Lord to forgive and I wish I could soften my stance. It is not actually my nature to be so unpleasant, but when I try to be nice, these monsters who committed fraud with my songs and writings simply trample all over me. I can't afford to be nice right now, but I intend to be nice later, when it is safe for me to do so. I believe firmly in Christ's teaching to forgive and I will even say a few words now on behalf of some of the local offenders, to show you that I can find it in my heart to forgive them.

East Vancouver strikes me as a kind of social experiment. It is the poorest neighborhood in the country, with almost the whole economy revolving around the distribution of social assistance payouts. What I have learned in my co-habitations with these people in the last twenty years is that many of them must cope with severe disadvantages. They often lack the skills or the social contacts to find honest work and this drives them into a life of crime. In spite of my harsh condemnations of their crimes, I still see myself in the poorest wretch among them when I consider what my life might have been like if I didn't know how to author my songs and poems and other works. Maybe I'd be a criminal, too. And maybe the presence of one like myself, who obviously possesses many natural advantages, would compel me to the same malice against him as I have suffered at their hands. This consideration, however, cannot be applied to anyone involved in the crimes against me who was well off or better off than I was to begin with. That would cover stars like the Rolling Stones, all the way to down to the upper-middle-class snobs who rallied around the Crystalids and that creep who stole my Christian comedy posts in 2007 and 2008. It will be harder for me to forgive them, but I may still be able to feel some pity for their comparative lack of talent.

One biblical inconsistency which was pointed out to me by a former teacher centered around the idea of revenge. He said that the Old Testament's eye for an eye conflicted with the New Testament's turn the other cheek. But doesn't the Old Testament also say, Vengeance is mine, sayth the Lord? Through my experience, I believe I may now resolve this conflict. The Old Testament's 'eye for an eye' does not speak of revenge but of justice. Justice is not the same as revenge. When we seek justice, we want truth. When we seek revenge, we just want blood.

None of the crooks who imposed such horrible, shameful suffering on me needs to worry that I would do the same to them in their former position. I have no desire to act like a juvenile in a limousine or to make women hate other men. I merely want the truth of my ownership of my work to be beyond any further doubt. And I want to be fairly compensated for my time and my trouble. God is the only One who is fit to judge us. God wanted me to endure this misery and I trust God. I believe that this suffering has made me wise and has improved my music and my writing. I look forward to sharing my new works with you one day, when it is safe to do so.

Nor should my country expect me to lash out at her from abroad. I owe my country a lot. My ability to organize this account through HTML was paid for by the Canadian government. $15,000.00. Very generous. In fact, most of my computer skills, which are important to my recordings, came to me by way of this program in 2000. And I probably wouldn't have had the time to reconstruct so many old posts if my country didn't have such a big heart that it made pensions like mine available to persons with disabilities. I currently find it hard to fathom CBC's hate, but I'm sure I will eventually overcome even this great obstacle.

IMPORTANT: I looked up the word 'forgive' in the dictionary and saw that it had multiple meanings. When I speak of forgiving the wrongdoers in this affair, I speak strictly of letting go of my personal resentment towards them. I do not speak of pardoning their criminal offenses against me. And I only speak of such forgiveness hypothetically because I don't think I can let go of my resentment at the moment; I can only imagine myself doing it at some safer time in the future. So please do not let this post be used as any sort of legal leverage by anyone who is being prosecuted for offenses against me. We must prosecute criminals or our world would descend to chaos. Prosecuting criminals is just common sense and is entirely irrelevant to the kind of forgiveness I am discussing here.

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