Monday, April 13, 2015

A Time to Every Purpose

The Book of Ecclesiastes - did I spell that right? - is a book of wisdom, like Proverbs. Most people have heard the famous Byrds hit Turn Turn Turn, which quotes directly from this source. There is an important lesson in these words, which has helped to ease my suffering through all these years of lies and hate.

There is a time to every purpose under Heaven. So that means that there is a time for things we sometimes don't want to happen, a time to kill, for instance, but that there is also a favorable time, a time to heal. I extend this to accept that there is a time for lies and a time for truth.

The time for lies is wartime, according to the famous adage, the first casualty of war is truth. America was gearing up for a war when I first shared my truth. I tried to have an impact but my efforts were in vain. It was not a time for truth. It was a time for lies.

The time for truth will be my time, and I believe it is approaching. I am glad I do not belong to the time for lies because that is behind me and I want to look forward to my future.

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© 2007, 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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