Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Give Me Credit

What I hope to be the last entry to this blog concerns money. It's pretty clear from the gospels that Jesus didn't care for it much.

Why, then, are these gospels hammered into the heads of poor, starving men as they wait for a free meal? Wouldn't they be more effective on the wealthy ones who exploit the poor?

The Lord said that one cannot serve both God and Mammon. What choice are you making as you sit and watch shows like Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous? What choice are you making when you praise someone's shiny new car or their fancy new clothes? Conversely, what choice are you making when you insult someone for not having these things?

Are you sure you're comprehending the Word of God when you allow yourself to think that you are superior to someone else on the basis of your wallet or purse?

I don't want to put down the wealthy too much because much good is created from their wealth, whether they share it freely or it has to be taken from them in the form of public taxes. But wouldn't it be better if we could just get rid of money altogether?

Judging from what I see around me here in my country, we're all damned to Hell if we don't emigrate to Afghanistan. Money seems to be doing far more harm to people than anything else. It's turning us all into a bunch of greedy, senseless assholes. Maybe this was what the Lord was trying to prevent by telling us to sell our possessions and give the money to the poor. Any of you so-called Christians done anything like that lately?

You can sit and vegetate with the all your possessions around you and convince yourself that you're better off than I am, but I bet your blog would be a fucking bore. I'll take my life as it is over yours any time.

It seems to me that if the greedy ones with so much money were secure in their wealth, they wouldn't be so Hellbent on spreading their gospel of greed to the poor bastards that must work for them. Don't be so sure that millions of dollars would answer all your prayers. Jesus said just the opposite.

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© 2011. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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