Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good Advice

My story is not just about music and comedy, it's about God. If you now trust me, you must believe me when I say that life is eternal. There are powerful supernatural forces at work in the world. They can see right through us, but fear not, for they are benevolent.

The body is not where life takes place. It is a mere structure. It is a lump of flesh that receives its animation from the hand of God for its duration on this stage of a world.

Suicide may be painless, but it is also pointless. God is in control.

To picture the future is, in a way, to conquer the grave. What if - hypothetically speaking - Hitler envisioned Hiroshima and if the horror of what he saw prevented him from developing atomic weapons? Hiroshima didn't happen until over two months after his [physical] death.

Please be careful how you live your life. Try to be good. And if you don't believe in Satan, there's always the entertainment business.

I'm not telling you this to please myself. It makes no difference to me if you are good or not. I'm telling you this to please God.

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© 2011. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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