Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Breaking and Entering My Heart

Jesus said to store your treasure in Heaven where no thief can get to it, for your heart will always be where your riches are. I think it's good advice for any songwriters with real talent.

If you're a truly creative soul with music inside you, you know who you are. I would urge you to keep your music to yourself. Go ahead and compose it, of course. That's why God gave you the talent. But don't bother sharing it because you'll just end up like me.

You can spare yourself an awful lot of grief by just keeping the music private and waiting for your reward in Heaven. There is always the thrill of writing something brand new. And you won't have the ugly public reaction to detract from it.

I would accept what happened to me as God's will. He must have known that I lost sight of him and started longing for women and food. No wonder I was punished so severely. But I did gain something good from it. I am now a lot closer to my grave than I would have been without the internet. Closer to the grave means closer to real justice and my Heavenly reward. So it may all work out for me in the end.

You see what they think of artists. They would rather rob us blind than strike a deal with us. They would rather pass judgement on us than help us. And even after they're caught, they'd rather leave us in poverty than pay us. They'd rather turn the population against us than let us have any credit for our work.

Do yourself a favour and trust in the Lord. He's the only person you can trust.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2011. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Give Me Credit

What I hope to be the last entry to this blog concerns money. It's pretty clear from the gospels that Jesus didn't care for it much.

Why, then, are these gospels hammered into the heads of poor, starving men as they wait for a free meal? Wouldn't they be more effective on the wealthy ones who exploit the poor?

The Lord said that one cannot serve both God and Mammon. What choice are you making as you sit and watch shows like Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous? What choice are you making when you praise someone's shiny new car or their fancy new clothes? Conversely, what choice are you making when you insult someone for not having these things?

Are you sure you're comprehending the Word of God when you allow yourself to think that you are superior to someone else on the basis of your wallet or purse?

I don't want to put down the wealthy too much because much good is created from their wealth, whether they share it freely or it has to be taken from them in the form of public taxes. But wouldn't it be better if we could just get rid of money altogether?

Judging from what I see around me here in my country, we're all damned to Hell if we don't emigrate to Afghanistan. Money seems to be doing far more harm to people than anything else. It's turning us all into a bunch of greedy, senseless assholes. Maybe this was what the Lord was trying to prevent by telling us to sell our possessions and give the money to the poor. Any of you so-called Christians done anything like that lately?

You can sit and vegetate with the all your possessions around you and convince yourself that you're better off than I am, but I bet your blog would be a fucking bore. I'll take my life as it is over yours any time.

It seems to me that if the greedy ones with so much money were secure in their wealth, they wouldn't be so Hellbent on spreading their gospel of greed to the poor bastards that must work for them. Don't be so sure that millions of dollars would answer all your prayers. Jesus said just the opposite.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2011. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

You Can't Wear That to a Crucifixion

I watched my Jesus video again last night, and it really got me upset. All it does is tell me how pointless his time here was.

Jesus said to take no thought for what we should wear. Hey, you guys that made so much money off my work, before you spend another thousand dollars on another new suit for yourself, can I have the price of a plane ticket to visit my dying parents?

The clothes make the man, do they? Only in a society that's full of shit!

And while I'm at it, I'm still waiting for half the respect and adoration you gave to criminals who were in possession of my work because they had fancy music videos and I don't.

Here's a better expression than 'the clothes make the man': appearances can be deceiving. And as long as appearances have a higher priority than truth in this upside-down culture that calls itself Christian, I guess Satan, the father of all lies, rules. Just try to remember Who rules the universe that surrounds it because He has the last say.

The Bible is replete with stories of seemingly ordinary men who had godlike power: Moses with his wooden staff against the full might of the Pharaoh's armies, David, the shepherd boy against Goliath the giant, and, of course, Jesus, the humble transient. The ancient myths, too, often tell of gods who disguised themselves as mortals and waited until the best time to reveal their power.

Dr King said to judge not by the colour of skin but by the content of character. It follows that we also ought not to judge a person by such things as the fabric of his clothing or the paint job of his automobile.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2011. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good Advice

My story is not just about music and comedy, it's about God. If you now trust me, you must believe me when I say that life is eternal. There are powerful supernatural forces at work in the world. They can see right through us, but fear not, for they are benevolent.

The body is not where life takes place. It is a mere structure. It is a lump of flesh that receives its animation from the hand of God for its duration on this stage of a world.

Suicide may be painless, but it is also pointless. God is in control.

To picture the future is, in a way, to conquer the grave. What if - hypothetically speaking - Hitler envisioned Hiroshima and if the horror of what he saw prevented him from developing atomic weapons? Hiroshima didn't happen until over two months after his [physical] death.

Please be careful how you live your life. Try to be good. And if you don't believe in Satan, there's always the entertainment business.

I'm not telling you this to please myself. It makes no difference to me if you are good or not. I'm telling you this to please God.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2011. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, July 11, 2011

It's All God

I wouldn't question God's will for man, but I do have some curiosities about how his Word has been interpreted through the ages. My main difficulty is in how Christians have justified killing non-Christians.

Jesus said that no one can come to the Father except through him. Makes sense. He was laying out his personal vision of the Kingdom of Heaven for the world. But how did he win his following? Seems to me that he accomplished it with love.

Who put the non-Christians here? Must have been God. How do you guess he feels about you killing them?

While it may be irksome for a Christian to see someone praying in a way that is not sanctioned by his holy book, it hardly calls for bloodshed. The only people Christians should hate are Satanists. Other religions may parallel Christianity. Non-Christians may, in fact, compliment Christ, rather than negating him.

When the Lord was asked 'Who then can be saved?', he answered that what was impossible for man was possible for God. It follows that, while it is impossible for Christians to redeem other religions with their own, it is possible for God to do so.

As for atheists, I was an atheist. Look at me now. Shame on anyone who dared to pass judgement on me.

As far as I can gather, the last thing Jesus wanted us to do was to hate. Two thousand years since his appearance, I must pray that we finally get his message straight.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2011. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

He Who Laughs Everlastingly

There may be some who think the last laugh is on me for all the money I lost from my stolen work. Indeed, I may never recover this fortune. Whenever I feel my indignation rising up over this injustice, the Lord rescues me with words of comfort, reminding me that money cannot buy the Kingdom of Heaven.

It appears to me that we spend far too much time focused on the state of our short lives in a microscopic world, instead of worrying for our immortal souls. How much longer need I submit to wrongful treatment at the hands of sinful men and women? Ten, twenty, thirty more years? What's that compared to eternity? I can do that kind of time standing on my halo.

If I were God, I would be mighty upset over how my music was treated. It is not for us to choose who has talent. That is God's jurisdiction. And to do such a thing for money adds immeasurably to the offence. If I am guessing correctly, someone will one day learn what kind of an eternity he has bought with the money he thinks is giving him the last laugh in this unholy affair. I pity him.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2011. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Amazed and Confused

I guess I'm a confusing person, coming here and sharing my love and then going home and shouting insults from my window. I hope I can pass it off as sophistication.

While I seem like an ass sometimes, with all my accusations and name calling, the bottom line for me is that I do love all you crazy people. I wish there were another way of putting it because it sounds woosy.

Why do I love you? Because you make me laugh. You have provided me with endless material, which I hope to share with you so that we may laugh together. But more than that, you have endowed me with a very special gift by taking my music and writing into your hearts. You have enabled me to sense the presence of God. I hope that I can return this gift to you, as well.

I know that there is no logical explanation for God, but I hope I have sufficiently explained why I still believe in him. We get caught up in the physical world and its apparent laws, but there is far more to the universe than mere matter.

God's presence is at first upsetting. All of one's darkest secrets are suddenly brought out into the light, bringing shame and humiliation. But it is only the wicked who fear the light of God's truth. They need to hide their sins in darkness.

It may be easier for a musical composer to stand in the light. The parts of his mind that would otherwise be occupied by sinful thoughts are consumed by music. It follows that God would be more tolerant and forgiving of those who do not possess this advantage.

If you wonder why God's presence isn't more obvious, consider where the motive to be good may originate. How can God determine which of us are good, as long as he hovers over us in plain sight? There's a big difference between wanting to be good for good's sake and simply fearing punishment. All the same, I submit this thought to you as a theory, for I would not dare to guess God's mind.

My greatest confusion with Christ's teachings has been around his advice to give all our wealth away to the poor and to 'turn the other cheek' when we are attacked. How does impoverishing oneself solve poverty? And how does giving way to bullies end aggression?

It may be that I am thinking within the confines of earthbound logic, rather than using my heart to address this problem. I am forgetting that it is our personal relationship with God that is of primary importance. To follow the Lord's advice is to take on enormous hardships here on earth, but to increase heavenly rewards. The more a man fears death, the more likely it is because he has an easy life here that will end for all eternity when his physical life ends. But the more a man looks forward to death, the more likely a great reward is kept for him in Heaven.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2011. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Victimful Crime

No one loves a victim. I try to avoid being one, but this world is so full of evil that becoming a victim is inescapable.

The funny thing about evil is that its victims include the perpetrator, who is a victim of temptation. No one wins with evil, and everyone loses.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2011. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I had a compelling thought last night over something I saw in an old war movie. A fallen soldier lay dying in a hospital bed, with his buddies standing over him, complaining of a terrible aching in his legs. In fact, his legs had been amputated without his knowledge. This phenomena of sensing the presence of lost limbs is called phantom pain.

It would seem that when a part of us is destroyed, our mind does not know that it is gone. Could it also be that when the whole of us is destroyed, our mind does not know it is gone?

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2011. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.