Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Crazy as a Prophet

8:20pm. Third offense of the day above. The last time I suffered so much crime without anyone helping me was in 2007. They wanted to turn these blogs into church pamphlets. And they wanted to turn my music into a hundred different bullshit bands so they could increase their profits a hundred times. And their poor comedians needed one clever person to write all their shows; an author that they could abuse so thoroughly that he'd have to go on the dishonourability program and lose his credibility when he screamed for justice. (Before that, I worked in a real job.) And they needed my statements to give to the empty headed talk show hosts who lie to you every day. They needed my life-work to make a fake universe out of it for you to think was real as they laughed at you. And to top it off, they wanted you to call the one who stole the most of my songs, Jesus. And once they get away with that, it looks like the author has no chance of having any success for himself at all. Are you sure this is a good country to live in? My body is intact, but how about my mind? Is it fair to call me crazy after putting this much consistent pressure on me?

Do not be offended by this if you are reasonable enough to believe my arguments after eight solid years of adding to these posts.

I'm here at my 'crazy' blog to talk about being 'crazy' in the same blog that so many took inspiration from since I first posted to it in my old Blogger account in 2007. You people, who live ordinary lives and call me 'crazy', look at someone in an extraordinary situation about which you know nothing and think yourselves fit to pass judgement on me. Did you have 200 songs on the web and 200 poems and 1000 comedy scripts that were stolen and torn to pieces by two hundred different stars in an eleven year period? So how do you know what's 'normal' for me?

As you line up to strut past me, in support of one fraud star after another with page views inflated by stealing mine, how do you think I've survived it all? By bullshitting myself about my holy encounter? Wouldn't I know that I was bullshitting myself? Wouldn't that be insufficient to sustain my resolve through such a prolonged period of criminal abuse in front of the eyes of the world?

You're not all bad, but I tend to hear more from the bad among you. They think they know all about the pressures of fame from watching Michael Jackson on TV. They say it doesn't really exist, that it's all in his head. Well, they have the location right, but do they know what precisely is going on in his head? How could they? They're not famous.

Since when did believing in Christ damage a man's credibility? Isn't Christ the God of Truth? Wouldn't Christ punish me if I were lying? But Christ is not punishing me for anything I share on the internet. I sit very serenely this morning in the public library, two days after posting my order to arrest Rosie O'Donnell for fraud, and the only problem I have is trying to hang onto my page views for the video. As much as they can do to me behind my back, look what happens when I confront them in public. They disappear. Their fraud disappears. Actions speak louder than words, don't they?

How would you rate Rosie O'Donnell against the former 'most trusted voice in Canada', Jon Stewart? I would have told you he was bigger and more talented than she was. And how long has it been since you all heard Dateline NBC tell you that 'Jon Stewart is out on bail'? You believe it when they tell you, but you want to call me crazy when they turn against me. They wanted me on your side at a time when I couldn't remember anything about their crime so they could con you. And I resisted to hold out and expose their crime in the years that followed. And are you going to call me crazy for saving you from being conned like that? That's some gratitude.

Did anyone track down that guy who was on Dateline in November 2007 and knew he was going to be big? Am I crazy for saying he hung himself in 2009? Or am I experiencing something extraordinary about which you know nothing? To add to that, did anyone attending my nemesis' fraud show last month recall mocking him by calling him Fonzie? I did, and I wasn't anywhere near the event, nor did anyone inform me of it.

Speaking of angel voices, when I first heard mine, I attended a school called Our Lady of Fatima Elementary School. It was named after the famous vision of the Virgin Mary reported by Portuguese children. They get a Wiki page and look at all I get. Children are favoured by my Lord, but we all appear to him as such. And if you're going to believe in God, what's wrong with believing that He can visit us and render spiritual support when our souls are under attack? Or do you not believe in God? Well, I thought this was the free world I was living in here.

Maybe you're crazy. You look at all this evidence and see me adding to it every day. You listen to your TV and radio hyping one fraud after another who I end up shooting down with this account. You want to believe half-assed lies and backstabbing character assassinations instead of the truth in front of your eyes.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2018. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

My Other Faith Based Works

Apr 17/2017: Happy Easter 2017

Dec 12/2016: Paying for Salvation

Jul 16/2016: The Masterpiece

Jun 09/2016: Stupistition

May 16/2016: Goony's Gift (The Albatross)

Jan 05/2016: Fraudcasters Reject God

Oct 26/2015: Ugly as Sin

Oct 19/2015: Common Dread

Aug 30/2015: Sunday Speech

Apr 14/2015: The Explanation

Apr 01/2015: Faith in Faith

Mar 14/2015: The Wealth Within

Mar 13/2015: What Is Truth

Mar 12/2015: The True Target

Mar 02/2015: FOX's Sins

Feb 11/2015: Attention Police/Spiritual Perverts

Sep 11/2014: Yours Truly

Sep 09/2014: Blessed by Hesitation

Aug 27/2014: Thinking Ahead

Aug 07/2014: I'm Just Christian

Apr 22/2014: The Soul

Apr 14/2014: The Servant

Apr 13/2014: The Visitation

Apr 10/2014: The Harem

Mar 26/2014: The False Prophet

Mar 23/2014: The Talent King

Mar 21/2014: The Watchers

Mar 14/2014: The Holy War

Mar 04/2014: The Lover

Feb 15/2014: Get Under It

Feb 15/2014: The Sacrifice

Feb 14/2014: The Scales

Feb 05/2014: The Gift

Sep 25/2013: I'm Not in Hell

Sep 14/2013: God's Equality

Sep 14/2013: God's Inequality

Sep 06/2013: For the Love of Satan

Aug 24/2013: Their Heaven

Aug 21/2013: My Heaven

Jul 22/2013: Don't Ask

Mar 09/2013: Fool Me Twice

Feb 28/2013: To Hell with Appearances

Feb 21/2013: I'm Still Free/Save Your Worship

Jan 15/2013: Good Criminal/Bad Criminal

Mar 09/2012: Cheese and Rice

Mar 18/2011: Bread Winner

Dec 18/2010: This Little Piggy

Dec 11/2010: Elementary Faith

Dec 08/2010: He Can't Help It

Nov 23/2010: Good for You

Oct 27/2010: Suffer Proper

Oct 23/2010: String Theory

Oct 19/2010: Ask a Stupid Question

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Hurry Up and Die

I just know I'm going to save the money I need to leave Vancouver because these people around here make me suffer so much that I need to leave as mere matter of survival. Yesterday, for instance, as I was waiting to cross the street outside the central branch of the library, a stranger assaulted me with the words, look, it's a seagull. I noticed that he was young. Yes, youth think they are natural when they are only boorish and rude. And it looked like he had a girlfriend. Yes, women submit from weakness rather than from love. I still think she'd be better off alone. And are we sure this put-down came from him? Does he want to be himself or is he imitating someone else, in order to be hip? Probably the latter. And why is it hip to bash me in the street? Isn't that sadistic? Not if you think that so many stars ripping off all my web posts is a cause for celebration, I guess, like they do on TV and the radio here and especially out on Goldie Hawn's privileged side of town, among the snotty has-beens who refuse to step down from the stage. They all want to boast of their associations with Mick Jagger, eh? Just twelve? Did the Rolling Stones steal twelve of my songs? They made me star by doing that, right? Do all these superstars ever make a star out of anyone but me? I wonder why not.

Speaking of acting cool to have friends, I'm quite happy to be alone. I would be depressed to have a friend like this character. There are too many witless fools like that in the world and that's why I'm alone. Even having to think about them depresses me, but having to associate with them would likely kill me. And I do not want to belong to a large crowd of transparently imitating conformists. I can't imagine what our government is trying to accomplish by putting youths in classrooms with their peers except to prepare them for a life in the armed forces. And by the time schools are finished crushing the individual charm of each student, we are left with such unpleasant graduates that being blown apart on a battlefield is all they are really good for.

Who's prancing around with music or comedy stolen from my account today? I don't get any views or comments to let me know anything, but since a lot of this work went from my account to the TV and radio in front of your eyes, you would certainly have a better idea than I would - especially when you don't flag the offender. I have no views and no comments and I must report violations from sheer intuition to get anyone to take action against the offenders. Isn't that a little unreasonable? And what's so hard about keeping an eye on my copyright? Who else do they need to protect on the web? Who else is getting their music and comedy constantly stolen? No one wants to steal from Justin Beiber or Beyonce or the Nude Photographers, do they? That frees up all the copyright enforcers to keep an eye on my work around the clock. Shouldn't they be able to protect my work a little better under these conditions?

What's going on now? Looks to me like the stars have had a ten-year-long party with my music and comedy, which threw me in a deep hole, and now they get to stand over the opening and step on my head every time I try to climb out and rise to my feet. Hooray for money.

Well, I guess I'll leave you to have your behavioral strings pulled by a bunch of evil corporate tyrants now, but I might add one more thing before I leave to do some more work on my poetry illustrations. As bitterly as I complain about the evils of capitalism, communism is worse. Those fuckers don't even let you complain when they tyrannize you. And they force their people to reject God.

5:05pm: I am in so much f-g pain. I am in agony. How are the Rolling Stones? They were stars before I even got out of my mother's womb and they've been the illegal stars of my music for the last ten years. And I'm in my fifties and I have to cut back on the pleasures of my life, like cigarette smoking, because I'm getting too old. But how have they been for the last ten years with my music? Did Keith still get his share of knickers with my music? And how is their friend Goldie Hawn? How does everyone like her trying to make us think she can still bear a child in her seventies? But me, I never even wanted to be fifty. And now I'm fifty-one and people like Mick Jagger and Leonard Cohen got to enjoy all the best years of my life - plus their own.

I'm sorry if I hurt any fans by referring to a crowd of transparently imitating conformists. I'm in pain. I've had to listen to these strangers imitate everything I pour out of my heart for the last ten years when they're with each other as they shun me. After ten years, I guess I just can't take it anymore without lashing out like a wounded animal. But I was an imitating ass when I was young and there might still be some very promising people in this latest generation. So I apologize if I hurt anyone. And I must confess that I'm even imitating La Rochefoucald a bit, myself, by applying his theory to their behavior. Of course, all my maxims have been consumed by fraud stars like George Carlin and Jay Leno, haven't they? That leaves me no choice but to copy La Rochefoucauld now. And while this information may provoke a laugh, it is actually quite depressing to be able to confirm it from experience.

So I'm in pain. I'm in terrible pain as I do without my cigarettes and try to control my mood in the face of so much brutal crime with my posts. And I'm hypersensitive to the unpleasant conditions of my torture chamber now, to top it all off. Try to view my comments in context when I flip out. And try to see my point rather than just my style. Thank you to whomever said I was intelligent, but I'm not writing this to show off, I'm doing it to make a point. I make good points in my blogs: schools do destroy the individual personalities of their students, the work ethic does subtly discriminate against the poor and unemployed, and we must try to sustain noble concepts like compassion even if they are largely out of our reach, etc, etc. I just thought of another one this afternoon, while in my throes over not being able to find a lawyer to win me fair compensation from super rich violators of my work as I am publicly flayed alive by crime: we always want to take credit for everything. Like we say we won World War Two when we weren't even born yet. And we say we won the hockey game when we're not even on the team. And we only take credit for the good things and pass the bad things on to the source. If we're talking about the Romans, for example, we might say that we invented roads and aqueducts but the Romans practiced crucifixion and engaged in bloody arena sports. Yes and we conquered the whole known world and established Christianity as a global religion but then it got weak and we had to invade it from the other side as barbarians and smash it to pieces to give us the rudiments of modern Europe. And Christ gave us cannons by supplying us with iron bells that we could fill with stones and gunpowder. That's the original source of the term canon law. But I digress.

I'm going to try to take some time off. I'm really in a lot of pain. I'm not sure what's happening to my body, but maybe it's some weird side effect from being off the nicotine. My lungs ache and my throat is sore and I'm a nervous wreck. Unlike these comedians, I didn't share my posts to make people laugh or anything. I shared them out of a real need to alleviate my pain and to communicate my point. Now it sounds like someone is still using them as stand-up comedy material and I'm at my wit's end over how to deal with it. I wish I'd never made people so happy by crying out in pain when I'm bleeding to death from online abuse. I wish I wasn't so funny when I'm in terrible pain. And I wish stars weren't such selfish, unfeeling monsters.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

No Choice but Salvation

Rubens: Fall of the Damned (detail)

Before I move into the topic of the day, I need to share a little current feedback with the ones who put frauds in prison for me. I heard it all last night, as I was trying to sleep. I heard someone say that 'he survived Dean.' I'm quite sure that this is a manipulating reference to Dean Christ, the Atheist. Sounds like it's poisoning minds on the web right now. So much for your efforts against them. I heard that 'he says I smoke crack.' Sounds like an untenable image violation coming from some evil star who owes me millions of dollars. I heard that 'he says I'm dumb.' Too bad all those corrupt stars and web frauds didn't agree with this or they wouldn't have plagiarized so many mountains of pages of my 'dumb' posts to create the illusion of intelligence for themselves. And so much for your feeble justice when all they need to do is wait to get out of jail or prison and go straight back to attacking their fraud victim behind his back. Oh yes, and I heard someone say 'just twelve.' I'd rather not try to figure it out.

I also have some questions for whomever is responsible for the billboard I saw on the side of a bus stop this morning. It invited me to direct my questions to a toll free number, but I'd rather ask them here in front of my readers. Why did you need to stick a giant depiction of toe fungus in the middle of a public street? Wouldn't anyone who suffers such an infliction bring it discreetly to their doctor's attention without your billboard? How obnoxious and untalented do you have to be to get a job doing billboard layouts these days? Lastly, do you plan to answer my questions with words or are you going to subject us all to another disgusting image instead? I've posted a more tasteful image above this entry for you, in order to show you how a real artist can take an ugly theme and make it beautiful. Maybe you might see yourself in it.

I don't care if people think I'm crazy. If you heard the voice of God as vividly in your head as I did, you'd behave exactly the way I do. You wouldn't care what people think of you. You wouldn't need them to give you anything. You would simply make the most of the time you have here and take comfort in the salvation afforded your soul by a compassionate God. Above all, you would be too afraid to lie. You would hide nothing from others because God knows it all anyway and God is the one who counts. You would dismiss the worldly concerns of men as trivial and stay ever focused on the world to come.

If you'd all heard God in your head as vividly as I did, you'd stop caring about being rich and famous and start to see how rich we already are with the blessings of God. This is an incredibly beautiful world. When I see a tree or a flower or a charming little critter, I see God's love. When I hear the song of a wren, I hear God's love. Man made riches do not come close to delivering the same level of fulfillment. By contrast to God's gifts, they appear almost silly.

God doesn't need money. He really doesn't need money at all. He doesn't care about money. All God cares about is truth. And if you choose to put God first, you automatically reject the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Since our whole society is structured around money and jobs, if you choose to put God first, your life here will be very uncomfortable. But however difficult conditions become here, your decision will be rewarded in the Kingdom of God. Asked if he was a king, Christ answered that his kingdom was not of this world. His truth based kingdom is incompatible with this deceitful, money chasing, materialistic society.

I do not think the charities are at fault for how they administer the money they receive, regardless of its source. Their good deed starts and finishes with helping the poor. I only condemn the bad donors who think they can undo a sin by offering a portion of their unrighteous riches to charity. On the other hand, if your charitable donation is clean, then you are spending your money as would God, according to its only truly good use from God's point of view.

12:57pm: More fat jokes? Is that all they know how to do? And do I look fat to anyone? Do they think they're clever by aiming fat jokes at a slim person? That would explain why they needed me alone to write all the best comedy on the TV for the first decade of this century. And where are their re-runs to prove their ownership? Or are they going to argue with another fat joke? And where are all the hits that were on the radio from the first decade of this century? Why did the classic rock station have to move back to the 1980's after being in the 1990's? Probably because there is an entire decade of music that has been wiped off the radio by my ownership claims since 2010 and they need to let the new rock station have the 1990's music to make up for it.

Did the authorities take some action against the latest violations I listed above? If only they could impress the public a little more with their justice, then these offenders wouldn't be able to keep attacking me as soon as they get out of jail or prison. How long has Nasco been attacking me with their Dean-lies now? Since 2007? That's ten unbroken years of assaults. Are you sure you law enforcers are really making any difference in this crime?

Is anyone able to read my posts when I score a solid point against the broadcasters and their internet? I wonder. Since they cheated so thoroughly to make stars out of their friends with my songs and blogs, and since the crime went on for such a long time and tricked so many millions of people, I sometimes doubt whether anyone is able to read what I have to share on the topic now.

In furtherance to what I wrote earlier about money, God reviles it. Money is the single greatest barrier to truth in our world. Money places esteem in the hands of wicked sinners and dishonors the righteous. Money erects a temple to man's own vanity and blocks passage to true salvation. [June 30/2017: Money lets the worst man win.] I want to listen to the birds, but the temple of money puts out a cacophony from the downstairs neighbor's woofer that interferes with my pleasure. Why can't he keep his hell to himself and let me enjoy my life here? Probably because he falls for the foolish broadcasters when they present their noisy, tasteless broadcasts as some kind of heaven. But when Christ said that we should sell our possessions and give the money to the poor, he was saying that money is only good for its own destruction. Indeed, if we all gave our money away like that, it would lose its value and become utterly worthless. Its value depends on its scarcity and its scarcity depends on people hanging onto it.

And who wants to argue this? John Calvin? Oh, fifteen centuries of Christendom were all lived out in vain because John Calvin hadn't come along yet, right? Oh, we need John Calvin to explain the gospels to us before we could be saved. The apostles were wrong. The saints were wrong. The monks and the crusaders and all the popes and priests and kings and vassals and peasants and everyone was wrong for fifteen centuries because Christ's teachings and miracles and resurrection were not enough without John Calvin to tell us that the employed are saved by their hard work and thrift. And what of the unemployed? They're damned, right? You'd certainly think so if you took a long look at them around here. And are they damned by God or by John Calvin? (Sorry, like I said, I've not read his paper.)

I'm just echoing what is already in the Bible about money here, but I am also in a position to become wealthy because I know how to write popular work. If I write something new that sounds like it might be a hit, I'm going to open an i-tunes account and post it there. I hope I won't be living in Vancouver anymore by then. I need a credit card for the i-tunes account, and that means I need to save my money up a bit first, but since I no longer smoke, I should be able to put together a decent amount over the next year or so. At least if I became rich, it might give a little hope of financial success to honest people for a change.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Aiming for the Heart

La Rochefoucauld defined an author's wit as hinging on his delicacy of expression. I would like to support this with some of my own thoughts on the subject. Firstly, I am hurt by intellectual property lawyers who asked me if the ones who plagiarized my content had merely parodied me. If these offenders had merely parodied me, they would have used their own words to do it. They did not use their own words to broadcast my work, they used my words to broadcast my work. And they used my words to broadcast my work because they lack the delicacy of an effective comedy writer. I wonder who paid these I.P. lawyers to hurt me like that.

As I have already said, I approach the authoring of a comedy script much as I would the creation of a JavaScript program. In computer programming language must be extremely precise. If even one character is out of place, the program fails to work. In a comedy script the same care must be exercised to prevent language from stepping on its humor. A good example is my Shirley Sureloins script. Its ribaldry could either charm or repulse, depending on the delicacy of its language. If the ham-handed Jay Leno, for instance, had tried to author such a script from scratch, he probably would have opened with a line like She's a shoplifter who shoves things in her pussy! Ha! Ha! Ha! Is that funny? Of course not, it's crass. Instead I wrote She's a shoplifter with a diabolical command of illusion.. And the TV plagiarized what I wrote because their writers lack the refinement to write it as well for themselves. But they certainly don't lack the money to interfere with their victim's justice, as this discouraging uncertainty about parodying from two different IP lawyers indicates. Nor do they lack the funds to put themselves on top of the newspaper's 'world's funniest people' list - a hundred and fifty million dollars - as Leno managed to do in 2009 at the peak of his success with my words.

Boorish broadcasters and asinine advertisers have been making life miserable for talent for a long time. The late John Candy cancelled his appearance as the host of an awards show because of the witlessness of the advertisers of the event, who thought they were winning laughs by making fun of his weight in a magazine ad. On the contrary, they offended the star and repulsed a lot of readers. Candy explained that they should have let him write the ad if they wanted to joke about his weight because he would have done a good job. But advertisers and broadcasters think they can easily be as funny as John Candy. And this attitude seems to find its way down to consumers of commercial broadcasting, such as those who thought it was funny to take my name and turn it into an incoherent load of idiotic gibberish. They even needed to add an extra syllable to accomplish this poor joke. (Why stop there? Why not make your own paragraph out of it?) They'd think it was hilarious to point to the name Bathurst at the Toronto subway station and share out loud, 'I need to take a bath here because I'm thirsty! Ha! Ha! Ha!' Would you?

A certain amount of intellectual refinement may help with comedy writing, but the effort of choosing words precisely and steering clear of crassness actually aims more for the heart than the head. Poor comedy usually offends because of a dismissal of the feelings of others more than from any intellectual deficit. I saw Michael Richards yelling the 'n' word at the top of his lungs at that comedy show. Poor Seinfeld, having to be associated with a senseless brute like that. I thought Seinfeld was pretty good - though I disliked that slappy bass sound he used to join his segments.

Why did so many TV shows depend on my comedy alone? Why aren't there more good comedy writers working in the industry? I believe that the best comedy writers get jobs in other fields without ever discovering their talent. They work as architects or anthropologists or computer programmers or some such profession and disdain the shallow world of stars and broadcasters. I only discovered my talent by accident, as a consequence of being unemployed for long periods and needing to stay active. Even so, my 2004 writings show that I had a long way to go before I could produce good work consistently. They embarrass me somewhat now, but I must include them in this account to undo the fraud that was committed with them by unscrupulous TV shows since I first shared them online. Since it took me a few thousands of pages of effort to arrive at my current level of literary accomplishment, I am offended by so many novice authors who believe they can outmatch me on their first or second attempt.

Sheer brutality might give you an edge in the competition for a good job, but delicacy will always outmatch it in the competition for good taste. In this evil age of the image our language skills seem to decline more and more. And while broadcasters favor the image to communicate their message, God chose instead the Word to share His.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Who's Not Helping Whom?

I'll let you know if I break down and start back into my habit. Since I am planning a career in the public eye, I would be a fool to try to hide it. I think I'm going to make it this time, though. I'm simply getting too old to take such risks with my health. I probably quit in the nick of time.

I spent the morning listening to my top twenty-five on my computer again this morning. I'm proud of my songs. A lot of very nice recordings in that set. And I gather that no one among the self appointed competition has been able to produce a song to effectively compete with my songs because all I ever hear is second hand put-downs coming from them through their followers. If they have no good music of their own, they resort to bashing my music with a non musical insult of some kind, usually monosyllabic and attempting to be clever. Then all the monkeys who love to imitate the person ahead of them in the comment cue send it to me much as I would receive a succession of machine gun bullets. This is how YouTube rewards its talent. But if you want to know how it rewards the egos of web frauds, just look at how much of my music had to be yanked away from bands who started out on YouTube by ripping me off and went straight from there to MTV and a recording contract: hours of three minute songs, each of which I broke my back to write and record.

Maybe I'm crazy for hearing the voice of the Lord so clearly in 2010. That is what I thought when the same occurred in 2007 and I ended up regretting it. So even if I am crazy for hearing the voice of the Lord this time, I know it is somehow connected to my online activities and I am taking the experience seriously. He did not tell me very much. Most of what He had to say sounded like it was told directly to my subconscious alter-ego and I could not make it out. He must know that I am ruled by my subconscious, which makes subconscious instruction the most efficient in my case. Subconscious Dave also stayed Christian while I returned to atheism in 2007, interestingly enough. I grow more and more like him every day.

But the Lord did tell me a few things directly. When I went to church at that time I heard Him say let it nourish your heart, as I was about to take the host. That was how I knew it was Him. He told me everything else when I was in my apartment alone. He said that atheism is a disease. He made me feel ashamed when he asked, What did you say about Me?. He said that He defeated Satan and that He can do anything. He had a suffering future in mind for me, and when I complained about it He said look what I had to go through, which made me laugh out loud. He said, I can be a prick. Yes, He actually used that word. He told me He 'hated' my prayer when I was praying wrong. But the most mysterious thing He said to me was, they don't help me. I didn't know who 'they' were. I'm still not sure, but I'm starting to get a pretty good idea.

Every once in a while I will hear someone tell me, that doesn't help us. They want me to think that I am somehow betraying myself by sharing the truth here in my Blogger account before the whole world. While I may make life more uncomfortable for myself by doing this, I am not doing it so much for myself as for God. And anyone who thinks that I should compromise this immortal truth over the superficial, passing concerns of this fleeting world is putting their own needs above the needs of God. They are precisely people who are not helping God.

Why do my critics never want to talk about the Kingdom of God? Why do they never want to talk about the universe or divine justice? Aren't these a principle focus of my discussions these days? But all they ever want to talk about is their own puny careers. If hell is, as Sartre put it, other people, it must be other people like this.

12:49pm: If hell is other people, I better include people from Surrey who need to listen to their woofers day and night. As a non-smoker I may now look forward to saving my money to escape this misery. I'm already off to an impressive start from my efforts this month.

I thought of another thing that the Lord told me directly when I went home earlier. He said I had to switch from atheism to deism (remember my goddess?) before He could 'find' me. Apparently when you adopt atheism, even if it is only a conscious decision, it bumps you completely off of His radar.

I'm glad I waited until now to share the details of this encounter. We needed to expose all the mountains of commercial fraud committed with my web posts first - see my Copyright Issues page - in order to show why God might have chosen such an otherwise ordinary individual for such a phenomenal experience. While I was with Him in October 2010, His children were with the stars who stole my work. Even I was unaware of the extent of the fraud with my work at that time and wondered why He was so concerned about it. But much of my work which was turned into fraud for profit came from this deeply spiritual encounter as it manifested in 2007, and to turn such works of the heart devoted to Him into evil fraud claimed by proud atheists must have hurt Him profoundly. I believe that I was punished for rejecting a genuinely holy encounter as a schizophrenic episode in all the years that fraud shows and fraud bands pranced all over my name with my own work, but by 2010, when I heard His voice again, perhaps He decided it was their turn to pay for their lack of faith. Until this matter is fully resolved, I think it is unsafe to watch TV or listen to the radio.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Custom Made Euphoria

Into the start of my third weedless week. I'm surprised to be so free of my formerly overpowering cravings. I guess my addiction wasn't as strong as I thought it was. I'm lucky to have avoided smoking marijuana, too. I almost broke down on Saturday, but luckily my dealer appears to have moved to another location. I used to mix tobacco with my marijuana, so I better just stick to eating it if I want to use it. Even though I've only been weedless for two weeks, I feel a marked improvement in my health. My lungs are working well, sucking in more oxygen than ever, and I am loaded with physical energy. It's odd to feel better as I age - oddly pleasant. I was concerned about losing my powers of concentration, but now I use my music and art, as well as reading, to help fill the gaps in my daily routine left behind by abandoning my habit. Above all, I feel very clean. I feel immaculate. I'm turning into the person that none of those foolish frauds could imagine ten years ago when they ganged up on me to steal all my popular things and tear them to pieces among themselves. They thought I was a weakling who would quickly die from their criminal abuse.

I'm doing away with my opening notice about this blog being 'faith based' and just letting my readers pass their own judgement about its content. I'm tired of having to re-paste it at the top each time I add a new post.

I've been discussing the importance of introspection throughout this blog and I would like to elaborate more on it with something I stumbled on while talking to myself in my room last night. I see a solid connection between being moral, being introspective, and finding the Kingdom of God. The connection between moral behavior and self awareness is obvious when comparing ourselves to animals. Animals sense no right or wrong in their behavior because they are not self aware. They exist, simply and purely, to satisfy their basic physical needs. In this capacity animals may cry, but they are incapable of laughter. (Never mind about the hyenas. That was a joke.) What is laughter? It is a kind of ecstasy exclusively available to self aware humans. Now, why did Christ instruct us to examine ourselves and correct our faults? He did so because the Kingdom of God is within us; it is within each one of us. The ecstasy of God's Kingdom is made complete by being fashioned from each individual's heart. Think about it, heaven wouldn't be heaven if you had to share it with others as we must share this world. Indeed, did not even Sartre say that hell is other people? The Kingdom of God is within you and it is up to you to stay true to yourself, in order to keep your path open to it. You must admit your faults to yourself when you detect them and you must avoid deceiving yourself. The greater your self-deception, the more you separate yourself from the Kingdom of God. Those music frauds, for instance, obviously didn't dare examine themselves too closely when they passed themselves off to the world as the authors of my work. Had I not intervened, perhaps they would have dragged you into their evil abyss with them.

Self examination is the key to finding happiness. We are made happy by getting what we want, and we can only know what we want by self examination. Looking for happiness in the example of the person next to you is pure folly. (So agrees La Rochefoucauld.) Besides being a different person with differing wants, the person next to you may only look happy. We do struggle to appear happier than our fellows, with no real reward to our hearts. I have noticed that wealthy stars are the most miserable people on the planet. Perhaps they once thought that stardom would make them happy, but our hearts usually have much simpler wants which are difficult to pinpoint.

Happiness does not always produce a smile in its beneficiary either. Sometimes I am happy to shout and curse. Horror fans gain pleasure from being frightened, as do romance fans tend to enjoy a good, old fashioned 'tear jerker'. It is hard to locate your precise wants, but it is a task well worth trying. Along the way you may at least eliminate false wants from your life.

The Kingdom of God is waiting to give you the things you've been pining for all your life here - as long as you try to be good. Even if you never learn what they are, God knows. My father used to call me Brian. It gave him and my mother pleasure to converse about their children and grandchildren, except when they had to remember me. To the end of his life, my father wanted me to be successful. Do you know what my father's last utterance was before he died? Brian!

This materialistic culture is anything but moral. The kind of people in broadcasting who supported so much spiritually poisonous fraud with my good work would happily consign you to eternal damnation just to make a few extra dollars for themselves. I would completely avoid them until they at least admit their fault in this crime. To do otherwise would only subject your soul to further risk.

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