Monday, November 3, 2014

Too Big for History

Don't let the lack of secular references to Jesus in the history books discourage you from believing in him. He was here, but the media of his time didn't think he was important. When I look back on the last seven years and I see who's been getting all the credit and glory from my songs and blogs, it's easy for me to see how Christ's greatness would also have been overlooked by the people of his time.

Given the lack of integrity of people charged with keeping such records, Christ's omission from the history books might even be considered as proof positive that he was, in fact, here. (I am also doubtful that I am related to Wolfe Tone.)

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2014. New statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Camp Jesus

Before I get into my main topic, I need to clear up something about one of my poems. Some people have taken my 'Sue Ann Grape' as an accusation of fraud against Nancy Grace. I did not list her name at the top of my poem as I did with the ones which targeted copyright violators of my work, but I can understand the confusion. I doubt that Grace would be guilty of any such crimes. I just pointed out a few amusing things I noticed about her to create a fictitious character.

I mentioned the following in the past. Sometimes I have this dream about being at an outdoor religious convention where each faith competes in a tent building contest. My team built a rather bare bones structure with plain white canvass. The Satanists, however, had a dazzling tent, featuring elaborate, colorful patterns and expert embroidery, which looked like the runaway winner. But when the judge came by to rate our tent, he was able to project the most beautiful image from his own heart, a flattering mural of his dearly departed mother, onto the plain white field. We won. But that Satanist tent still makes me laugh when I think about it. (Did they use this on any TV sketches?)

This, I believe, is what Jesus meant by saying that no one may enter the Kingdom of God except as a child. A child's mind is like a plain white sheet, free and open to receive the glory of God. But human glory, however impressive, presumes perfection and obstructs God's superior hand.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2014. New statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

SNL: Ted Haggard's Allies

I often hear about how the TV 'took my laughs' and I wonder if anyone has yet noticed the subtle but important differences in how they presented these works. They were not all laughs. Some of those poems that they turned into comedy sketches were quite serious.

The best example might be The False Prophet, a poem I wrote to illustrate how a wealthy evangelist might end up in Hell for distorting the Word of God. This poem has a lesson to teach. It was not written for a laugh. When the TV turned it into a cheesy comedy sketch, the original meaning of my words were lost. How many other of my serious efforts are laughed away as comedy now as a result of such crimes? I shudder to contemplate it.

By reducing my poetic warning about the perils of dishonest preaching to a mere comedy script, it looks like the casts of shows like Saturday Night Live are Ted Haggard's allies. Who would have thought so until now?

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2014. New statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Suicide Note

Last night, as I tried to sleep on my Vancouver bed of plywood and foam, I was overcome by an overwhelming impulse to commit suicide. My solitary condition got the best of me and I broke down.

But God gives me hope. As long as I believe in God I can pray and look forward to a happy ending to my life.

And God helps me to surrender the grievous burden of my work's ownership, reminding me that all things belonged to Him first and that he may use my work as He pleases. I want my work to help me, but God wants it to help the world. So be it.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2014. New statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Whole Truth

The law of entropy is a physical law which conditions (more or less) that the breakdown of matter over time is irreversible. Such laws must not apply to abstractions, such as my songs and stories, for they were torn to pieces and I am in the process of restoring them back into their original state of wholeness here. Since we can contemplate the abstract, unlike any other creature known to us, part of us may be abstract. That part of us could defy scientific laws because it is not bound by matter.

Just to be safe, I'd keep an open mind about it.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2014. New statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.