Thursday, June 22, 2017

No Choice but Salvation

Rubens: Fall of the Damned (detail)

Before I move into the topic of the day, I need to share a little current feedback with the ones who put frauds in prison for me. I heard it all last night, as I was trying to sleep. I heard someone say that 'he survived Dean.' I'm quite sure that this is a manipulating reference to Dean Christ, the Atheist. Sounds like it's poisoning minds on the web right now. So much for your efforts against them. I heard that 'he says I smoke crack.' Sounds like an untenable image violation coming from some evil star who owes me millions of dollars. I heard that 'he says I'm dumb.' Too bad all those corrupt stars and web frauds didn't agree with this or they wouldn't have plagiarized so many mountains of pages of my 'dumb' posts to create the illusion of intelligence for themselves. And so much for your feeble justice when all they need to do is wait to get out of jail or prison and go straight back to attacking their fraud victim behind his back. Oh yes, and I heard someone say 'just twelve.' I'd rather not try to figure it out.

I also have some questions for whomever is responsible for the billboard I saw on the side of a bus stop this morning. It invited me to direct my questions to a toll free number, but I'd rather ask them here in front of my readers. Why did you need to stick a giant depiction of toe fungus in the middle of a public street? Wouldn't anyone who suffers such an infliction bring it discreetly to their doctor's attention without your billboard? How obnoxious and untalented do you have to be to get a job doing billboard layouts these days? Lastly, do you plan to answer my questions with words or are you going to subject us all to another disgusting image instead? I've posted a more tasteful image above this entry for you, in order to show you how a real artist can take an ugly theme and make it beautiful. Maybe you might see yourself in it.

I don't care if people think I'm crazy. If you heard the voice of God as vividly in your head as I did, you'd behave exactly the way I do. You wouldn't care what people think of you. You wouldn't need them to give you anything. You would simply make the most of the time you have here and take comfort in the salvation afforded your soul by a compassionate God. Above all, you would be too afraid to lie. You would hide nothing from others because God knows it all anyway and God is the one who counts. You would dismiss the worldly concerns of men as trivial and stay ever focused on the world to come.

If you'd all heard God in your head as vividly as I did, you'd stop caring about being rich and famous and start to see how rich we already are with the blessings of God. This is an incredibly beautiful world. When I see a tree or a flower or a charming little critter, I see God's love. When I hear the song of a wren, I hear God's love. Man made riches do not come close to delivering the same level of fulfillment. By contrast to God's gifts, they appear almost silly.

God doesn't need money. He really doesn't need money at all. He doesn't care about money. All God cares about is truth. And if you choose to put God first, you automatically reject the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Since our whole society is structured around money and jobs, if you choose to put God first, your life here will be very uncomfortable. But however difficult conditions become here, your decision will be rewarded in the Kingdom of God. Asked if he was a king, Christ answered that his kingdom was not of this world. His truth based kingdom is incompatible with this deceitful, money chasing, materialistic society.

I do not think the charities are at fault for how they administer the money they receive, regardless of its source. Their good deed starts and finishes with helping the poor. I only condemn the bad donors who think they can undo a sin by offering a portion of their unrighteous riches to charity. On the other hand, if your charitable donation is clean, then you are spending your money as would God, according to its only truly good use from God's point of view.

12:57pm: More fat jokes? Is that all they know how to do? And do I look fat to anyone? Do they think they're clever by aiming fat jokes at a slim person? That would explain why they needed me alone to write all the best comedy on the TV for the first decade of this century. And where are their re-runs to prove their ownership? Or are they going to argue with another fat joke? And where are all the hits that were on the radio from the first decade of this century? Why did the classic rock station have to move back to the 1980's after being in the 1990's? Probably because there is an entire decade of music that has been wiped off the radio by my ownership claims since 2010 and they need to let the new rock station have the 1990's music to make up for it.

Did the authorities take some action against the latest violations I listed above? If only they could impress the public a little more with their justice, then these offenders wouldn't be able to keep attacking me as soon as they get out of jail or prison. How long has Nasco been attacking me with their Dean-lies now? Since 2007? That's ten unbroken years of assaults. Are you sure you law enforcers are really making any difference in this crime?

Is anyone able to read my posts when I score a solid point against the broadcasters and their internet? I wonder. Since they cheated so thoroughly to make stars out of their friends with my songs and blogs, and since the crime went on for such a long time and tricked so many millions of people, I sometimes doubt whether anyone is able to read what I have to share on the topic now.

In furtherance to what I wrote earlier about money, God reviles it. Money is the single greatest barrier to truth in our world. Money places esteem in the hands of wicked sinners and dishonors the righteous. Money erects a temple to man's own vanity and blocks passage to true salvation. [June 30/2017: Money lets the worst man win.] I want to listen to the birds, but the temple of money puts out a cacophony from the downstairs neighbor's woofer that interferes with my pleasure. Why can't he keep his hell to himself and let me enjoy my life here? Probably because he falls for the foolish broadcasters when they present their noisy, tasteless broadcasts as some kind of heaven. But when Christ said that we should sell our possessions and give the money to the poor, he was saying that money is only good for its own destruction. Indeed, if we all gave our money away like that, it would lose its value and become utterly worthless. Its value depends on its scarcity and its scarcity depends on people hanging onto it.

And who wants to argue this? John Calvin? Oh, fifteen centuries of Christendom were all lived out in vain because John Calvin hadn't come along yet, right? Oh, we need John Calvin to explain the gospels to us before we could be saved. The apostles were wrong. The saints were wrong. The monks and the crusaders and all the popes and priests and kings and vassals and peasants and everyone was wrong for fifteen centuries because Christ's teachings and miracles and resurrection were not enough without John Calvin to tell us that the employed are saved by their hard work and thrift. And what of the unemployed? They're damned, right? You'd certainly think so if you took a long look at them around here. And are they damned by God or by John Calvin? (Sorry, like I said, I've not read his paper.)

I'm just echoing what is already in the Bible about money here, but I am also in a position to become wealthy because I know how to write popular work. If I write something new that sounds like it might be a hit, I'm going to open an i-tunes account and post it there. I hope I won't be living in Vancouver anymore by then. I need a credit card for the i-tunes account, and that means I need to save my money up a bit first, but since I no longer smoke, I should be able to put together a decent amount over the next year or so. At least if I became rich, it might give a little hope of financial success to honest people for a change.

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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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