Thursday, October 8, 2015

The God Who Had Long Hair

The God Who Wasn't There is a documentary that subjects the Christian faith to logical analysis. I've viewed a number of these types of productions since I reported my first conversion experience in 2007, which was very impressive to me personally but insufficient to sustain my faith through the horrors that followed over the next three years and the destruction of thousands of my former online posts by countless network and label supported frauds. Then I inadvertently began reconstruction of this blog. Before long, I found myself again yielding to the unmistakable presence of God in my life, just as I did the first time I wrote it. I'm glad I believe in God again because humanity has failed me. I don't think that true happiness is possible for me on Earth anymore after experiencing hate and betrayal on such an colossal scale, but I can still dream of a brilliant afterlife.

As a Christian, I find myself arguing with atheists, though I do not pass judgement on them. This film brought up a Scripture passage that condemned homosexuality and shunned the Scripture passage where Christ invites 'he among you who has not sinned' to throw the first stone at a condemned sinner. Jesus also loved and forgave a prostitute. He also said, 'Judge not, lest ye be judged.' The reference to 'man lying with a man as with a woman' being an 'abomination' is from Leviticus in the Old Testament which does not represent Christ's own teachings but merely gives us a background to his more orthodox religious roots.

The author pointed to the forty year gap existing between Christ's death and the first Gospel as being solely occupied by the convert, Paul. In fact, Peter and the other apostles were also very active in this period, preaching with the kind of bravery and determination that could only have come from being first hand witnesses to the events of the Gospels. Peter was crucified upside down and his bones have since been recovered and positively identified.

I don't care if Osiris or Mithra or Dionysus share characteristics with Christ. That doesn't make Christ a fraud. Christ was the only one to emerge from all these resurrected messiahs and remain worshiped all the way to the present. I believe that this is because he is the true Messiah.

A man was invited to say that he couldn't enjoy Heaven with the knowledge that sinners were being punished in Hell, but when I heard that the Crystalids had been incarcerated to give me a break in the summer of 2011, I was overjoyed. I didn't have to feel like such a loser for living in an S.O.R. because it was better than their prison cells. I didn't have to feel foolish for having no girlfriend because it was better than having to be a girlfriend - if you know what I mean. And I expect God's righteous punishment of the wicked to please the righteous souls of the saved along similar lines.

The film bashed Mel Gibson's The Passion, which grossed over three hundred million dollars. Wow. That's almost enough money to make Satan jealous. Actually, I dislike the Passion, myself. I don't think we should be receiving our theology from Hollywood movie stars. Hollywood is too corrupt. Besides that, the Word of God means something a little different to every individual and should be left in scriptural form. The glorious kingdom it offers is present in each of our unique hearts, making common reference points like Mel Gibson's makeup a barrier to salvation. Even Christ dared not to preach in concrete terms but favored parables. The Word of God should expand one's outlook, not trap it within the parameters of a movie theater.

On the same note, I do not literally interpret everything I read in the Scriptures. A few things in the Bible make little or no sense to me and as such I find them useless but not necessarily wrong.

Jesus didn't come here to improve our science but to save our souls. The correct mapping of celestial objects does nothing to help one recover from a broken heart. His mission was successful because of the hope he offered humanity, a hope that extended two thousand years to help me find a reason to go on living and loving in a cruel world that turned my greatest pleasures into my most miserable sorrows.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

More Besides Money

It's unfortunate that our society has become so secularized or people might be able to see other motives for pursuing art and music beyond trying to get rich and famous. In my case, with the brutal treatment I've received all my life from broadcasters and frauds, I have been discouraged from pursuing rewards from the entertainment business. My motives for producing my creative content, especially my music and poetry, are faith based.

Back when I thought I was atheist, I said that I was merely following my nature by producing creative work. To some degree, that is true. But now that I have been restored to my faith in God, I am commanded to make use of the gifts that God gave me. It's in the New Testament somewhere, a parable about a father who gives each of his sons a gold coin. One of them buries it in the ground and returns it to his father unused. For this he lost the competition with his two brothers, each of whom made use of their coins to produce added wealth.

When someone gives you a gift, they are hurt if you tuck it away somewhere and let it collect dust. If you love the person, it's up to you to honor them by cherishing and making use of your gift. By developing and making use of the gifts that God gave me, I'm loving God. For this I pay a high price as I clash with the greed and dishonesty of the Satanic crime culture led by an evil commercial broadcasting business and its stars. While no material reward may be forthcoming for this sacrifice, I expect to receive a priceless spiritual reward for it.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Free to Go

God may forgive suicide. We punish ourselves by committing such acts. Suicide is proof of man's ultimate free will. It's the one thing God has no control over. When we commit suicide, we cut ourselves short of the beautiful goal that God has waiting for us. We also separate ourselves from our loved ones, at least until they may join us in the next world.

There are often circumstances that may justify suicide as an act of mercy, such as having a terminal illness or being wrongfully convicted of a despicable crime. But Jesus did not escape his crucifixion with suicide, though he saw his painful death coming and begged God to 'take this cup of suffering' from him. With Jesus as my example, I endure the unendurable every day. The more we put up with in this life, the better we will have it in the next.

If you're contemplating suicide, try to look at your turmoil objectively. Compare your lot with the lot of others. Consider the feelings of your loved ones. Take into account that your life here is not permanent. And open your heart to God's perfect love. You'll make it.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

How to Think Big

Viewing those Oswald documentaries gave me some insights into the minds of all the fiends who have been assassinating me for the last twenty years. The chief goal of Oswald's behavior was attention. His weird mother neglected him and must have given him a complex. He also suffered from a learning disability. When Oswald defected to the USSR, he received attention from the media and became addicted to it. He must have been happy at that time to be looking forward to all the attention he would get in the USSR as the only American in town. But the drudgery of life in a communist dictatorship drove him to return to the USA. Oswald thought that he would be greeted with tremendous fanfare on his return, but the media panned it. It isn't news when someone leaves an oppressive state to live in the free world, but he was very disappointed. His dead end job at the book depository was as bad as anything he had to do in the USSR. When he shot Kennedy, he did it for the attention. He was never happier than when he had all those reporters clamoring for him.

As a child from a large family, whose working mom didn't always have time for him, I used to sometimes do weird things to try to get attention. But I think I've outgrown this and now I look upon my large family as helping me to come to terms with not being the most important person in the world. I know from my experience in 2007 that fame can feel very pleasant, almost like an acid trip with good acid, and that it might even be addictive. I suspect that Oswald experienced this sensation when he was in the limelight for his fifteen minutes of fame before departing for the USSR and chased that high for the rest of his life. These monsters who got fame from lying with my music or writing also likely became addicted to it and I have been suffering constant attacks from them ever since.

Clearly they don't believe in God because God can make each one of us feel important, whatever our station may be in this life. When we are in communion with God we enjoy a personal relationship with the master of the universe. I have learned to content myself with this personal relationship and it has helped me to sustain my dignity through a very long and trying ordeal. Maybe if people had more faith in God, presidents like Kennedy could die of old age and artists like myself would only have to write their songs and stories once.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Gospels Truth

I recently viewed a very nice, quiet documentary series entitled The Christians (1977) and it not only added to my knowledge of the scriptures but it helped me gain possible new insights into the police support I seem to enjoy for my online campaign against all the fraud that has been committed with my erased posts in the last ten years or so. I am filled with optimism about my prospects for success in an all-out lawsuit against the trusted celebrities who committed these crimes.

This whole account has been authored by one person. You may be able to sense this by the amazing capacity of your subconscious mind to detect consistencies in style, vocabulary and grammar. But there is a concrete way to prove that this whole account was all authored by one person: computer analysis.

In this documentary, a computer was used to analyze the Gospel of John and the Book of the Apocalypse (or Revelations) and it determined that these two books were not authored by one person. A computer can scan through vast amounts of text and count all the words and the repeat instances of certain expressions, such as 'too bad', and conclude with certainty whether or not a volume of work was written by one or more authors. It is called verbal fingerprinting. I strongly believe that such an analysis was undertaken by police to establish me as the sole author of all of my blogs as early as December 2010, when I was forced out of my apartment into a homeless shelter, because I seem to have had their support ever since.

Computers are not reporters. Computers don't lie. And while the science behind this technique may be over most of our heads, so is the science of ballistics, which is wholly admissible in court for serious murder cases.

If a computer has proven that this whole account was authored by one person, it exposes its prior ownership claims by a multitude of television programs as being fraudulent. And all I need to do to prove that I am the one person who wrote all this, aside from being the only one who is allowed to stay online with it, is to continue writing at home, as I have been doing, and produce new work which will match my old work. Your efforts in continuing to flag or inform police of all outside posts that plagiarize my words would be most appreciated in the meantime. Don't worry about the offenders flagging my posts. When they do that, my posts stay online with a red flag and attract even more readers.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Vengeance Is His

My dear, gentle readers, I hope I have not put you off too much with some of the stronger words I have been forced to use in this prolonged struggle for my rights to my own work. I know that we have been commanded by our Lord to forgive and I wish I could soften my stance. It is not actually my nature to be so unpleasant, but when I try to be nice, these monsters who committed fraud with my songs and writings simply trample all over me. I can't afford to be nice right now, but I intend to be nice later, when it is safe for me to do so. I believe firmly in Christ's teaching to forgive and I will even say a few words now on behalf of some of the local offenders, to show you that I can find it in my heart to forgive them.

East Vancouver strikes me as a kind of social experiment. It is the poorest neighborhood in the country, with almost the whole economy revolving around the distribution of social assistance payouts. What I have learned in my co-habitations with these people in the last twenty years is that many of them must cope with severe disadvantages. They often lack the skills or the social contacts to find honest work and this drives them into a life of crime. In spite of my harsh condemnations of their crimes, I still see myself in the poorest wretch among them when I consider what my life might have been like if I didn't know how to author my songs and poems and other works. Maybe I'd be a criminal, too. And maybe the presence of one like myself, who obviously possesses many natural advantages, would compel me to the same malice against him as I have suffered at their hands. This consideration, however, cannot be applied to anyone involved in the crimes against me who was well off or better off than I was to begin with. That would cover stars like the Rolling Stones, all the way to down to the upper-middle-class snobs who rallied around the Crystalids and that creep who stole my Christian comedy posts in 2007 and 2008. It will be harder for me to forgive them, but I may still be able to feel some pity for their comparative lack of talent.

One biblical inconsistency which was pointed out to me by a former teacher centered around the idea of revenge. He said that the Old Testament's eye for an eye conflicted with the New Testament's turn the other cheek. But doesn't the Old Testament also say, Vengeance is mine, sayth the Lord? Through my experience, I believe I may now resolve this conflict. The Old Testament's 'eye for an eye' does not speak of revenge but of justice. Justice is not the same as revenge. When we seek justice, we want truth. When we seek revenge, we just want blood.

None of the crooks who imposed such horrible, shameful suffering on me needs to worry that I would do the same to them in their former position. I have no desire to act like a juvenile in a limousine or to make women hate other men. I merely want the truth of my ownership of my work to be beyond any further doubt. And I want to be fairly compensated for my time and my trouble. God is the only One who is fit to judge us. God wanted me to endure this misery and I trust God. I believe that this suffering has made me wise and has improved my music and my writing. I look forward to sharing my new works with you one day, when it is safe to do so.

Nor should my country expect me to lash out at her from abroad. I owe my country a lot. My ability to organize this account through HTML was paid for by the Canadian government. $15,000.00. Very generous. In fact, most of my computer skills, which are important to my recordings, came to me by way of this program in 2000. And I probably wouldn't have had the time to reconstruct so many old posts if my country didn't have such a big heart that it made pensions like mine available to persons with disabilities. I currently find it hard to fathom CBC's hate, but I'm sure I will eventually overcome even this great obstacle.

IMPORTANT: I looked up the word 'forgive' in the dictionary and saw that it had multiple meanings. When I speak of forgiving the wrongdoers in this affair, I speak strictly of letting go of my personal resentment towards them. I do not speak of pardoning their criminal offenses against me. And I only speak of such forgiveness hypothetically because I don't think I can let go of my resentment at the moment; I can only imagine myself doing it at some safer time in the future. So please do not let this post be used as any sort of legal leverage by anyone who is being prosecuted for offenses against me. We must prosecute criminals or our world would descend to chaos. Prosecuting criminals is just common sense and is entirely irrelevant to the kind of forgiveness I am discussing here.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Vote for Jesus

Have you ever heard the saying truth is stranger than fiction? There's a lot of truth in it. We think that things are only true when they add up somehow in some sensible way and then we are usually disappointed to learn otherwise.

If someone in 1973 would have said that the president of the U.S. was busting into offices, he would have been ridiculed for making an 'absurd insinuation'. No, not the president! Not our good little flag waving leader! And it was true. If someone would have spoke out in Nazi Germany to say that people were being systematically wiped out in gas chambers, he would have been denounced by all as a madman. Even our own side had to wait to see the horrible evidence with their own eyes before they believed it. By then it was too late.

What made my erased posts so humorous to George Carlin's fans was my truth. Truth is absurd and we reflexively laugh at the absurd. I have a gift for capturing the absurdity of truth in my dialogues, poems, and statements, which has earned a pile of money for the liars who stole them.

And some people dismiss the parables of Christ as absurdities, but they are nonetheless widely accepted as brilliant spiritual teachings. They seem absurd on the surface, based on logical evaluation, but they feel true. Anyone who dismisses a truthful allegation as an 'absurd insinuation' would also have likely rejected Christ's teachings on the same grounds. And you all know who dismissed truthful allegations as absurd insinuations: the so-called born again president!

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Time to Every Purpose

The Book of Ecclesiastes - did I spell that right? - is a book of wisdom, like Proverbs. Most people have heard the famous Byrds hit Turn Turn Turn, which quotes directly from this source. There is an important lesson in these words, which has helped to ease my suffering through all these years of lies and hate.

There is a time to every purpose under Heaven. So that means that there is a time for things we sometimes don't want to happen, a time to kill, for instance, but that there is also a favorable time, a time to heal. I extend this to accept that there is a time for lies and a time for truth.

The time for lies is wartime, according to the famous adage, the first casualty of war is truth. America was gearing up for a war when I first shared my truth. I tried to have an impact but my efforts were in vain. It was not a time for truth. It was a time for lies.

The time for truth will be my time, and I believe it is approaching. I am glad I do not belong to the time for lies because that is behind me and I want to look forward to my future.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Suffer the Students

Even as an atheist, which I declared myself to be for many years, I took inspiration from the story of Christ. The only difference was that I felt free to mock the Scriptures here and there, something I dare not do any more. (My cartoon character, the Holy Roller, is merely intended to parody bad evangelists.)

My sense of God's presence and of the existence of an afterlife has come to me by intuition and I have learned that my intuition is highly reliable by the exercise of rejecting this mindset in late 2007, after my first conversion experience, and experiencing all the horrors that resulted from this decision. I'm a little ashamed that my faith was not strong enough to sustain me the first time, but I am relieved that I have been given a second chance to stand up for the Lord in this very evil time in history.

One advantage that Christians have over adherents of other faiths is that Christ knows our suffering. Unlike all other deities, He submitted to the humiliation of pain and death. When we are in pain, we can be comforted by praying to a God who knows our pain. And since we are all doomed to die, we can turn to Christ for comfort at any point along our fateful passage.

There are a lot of suffering souls out there and they are all welcome to visit me here. If you're a student who gets picked on in class, I hope you can compare your situation with mine and gain some real perspective. Had this gang rape of my music and comedy occurred when I was younger, I might not have survived this long. But once you get out of that classroom, the consent of your peers becomes less and less important.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Selling Christ Short

I have always been interested in information around the life of Jesus. One prominent researcher in this area is Elaine Pagels, whose book, The Origin of Satan, first suggested to me the possibility that the official Christian account of Christ's execution was altered to make it acceptable to the Romans. It is a compelling argument, backed up by strong evidence describing Pilate as the kind of governor who would crucify people at the drop of a hat, but it fails to heed the extraordinary nature of Christ and how his presence often led people to behave out of character.

The extraordinary nature of Christ, even outside of his arguable miracles, was that this common carpenter's son who was doomed to suffer a slave's execution would be worshiped as God incarnate by billions of humans for millennia following his death. I believe that such greatness has a way of reaching back to its source from the future, endowing the person with a kind of larger-than-life aura. Peter had a good solid career as a fisherman and all it took was one visit from Christ, a total stranger, to make Peter abandon his livelihood and follow Christ all the way to his own crucifixion. So perhaps Pilate was equally moved by Christ's presence and determined not to take responsibility for his death. If the Prefect of Judea intuited that he was about to execute the future God of the Roman empire, it would certainly trouble him.

I think the source of antisemitism is essentially religious and centers on the refusal of Jews to accept Christ as their Messiah. I think this would exist free and clear of how Christ's execution is depicted in the Bible. Antisemitism is the result of misinterpreting the brilliant teachings of Christ, for most Christians do not hate Jews. And some Jews have even converted to Christianity. There's an organization called Jews for Jesus that may support me in this argument, even though I'm a Gentile.

March 7, 2015:

Since this is a sensitive topic, I must be careful how I present this argument. I do not wish to add any more hate to the world. I agree that it was the Romans who killed Jesus. But I also believe that Jewish religious authorities were threatened by Jesus and wanted him killed. They thought he was a false prophet and a dangerous influence on the crowds. Jewish laws are quite specific in the Old Testament on how to handle anyone who might equate himself with the Most High God. Such a man was to be killed. But in Christ's lifetime, Israel, or Judea, was under Roman occupation. The Romans enforced the laws of their provinces and punished anyone who might try to do so in their place. So the Jewish religious authorities needed the permission of Roman authorities to execute Jesus or perhaps these High Priests would have ended up on crosses themselves.

So Jesus, the way I see it, was killed by both the Jews and the Gentiles. All of humanity is responsible for his death. And while the Gospel of John may unfairly quote the Jews as wishing to take collective responsibility for this blood guilt, its depiction of his manner of execution on a Roman cross equally blames the Romans.

Yes, and let's not forget what makes Christ great: his death and resurrection. How could Christ accomplish his holy mission without going to the cross? His cruel execution was necessary. To impose punishment on his perceived murderers is to contradict God's plan.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Note on Immortality

I would like to explain the moral of one of my short stories, Immortality, written in a rather naive and yet undeveloped style back in 2004. The story is about a penny pinching asshole who gets scientists to lengthen his lifespan indefinitely so he will not have to part with his money. As he ages, he is wounded by tragedies that make him less enthusiastic about his life in this world. As he ages, he also grows wise and with this wisdom he comes to value his money less and less. The story ends with his suicide, when he finally realizes that he can not cheat death in a world that was only designed for temporary use.

Do not wait until you are on your deathbed to realize what is truly important in this life. By then it may be too late.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Easy to Believe in Hell

Some people wonder how I can endure this terrible time of injustice when I stand alone against a vast, evil apparatus like the out-of-control U.S. arms industry. This is where my faith in God comes in. In order to accept unjust suffering, we need to see some reason for it. We need to see why God allows evil like Dick Cheney and George Bush and NBC to take root in our world and cause so much harm. My experience as an artist helps me to answer the question.

When Christ was being led to his cruel execution, he said 'Now is the time when the power of darkness prevails.' Darkness is essential to our world. My drawings demand dark areas which help to define the illuminated ones. There can be no light without darkness and there can be no good without evil. This is why there are evil, damned souls sharing this world with the righteous. This is why there must be a Hell to dispense with the otherwise destructive presence of the hateful on the scale of eternity. My foreknowledge of the divine justice which awaits the souls of the wicked who defy me lets me accept whatever fleeting gains they may make in this fleeting reality.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.