Saturday, August 8, 2015

More Besides Money

It's unfortunate that our society has become so secularized or people might be able to see other motives for pursuing art and music beyond trying to get rich and famous. In my case, with the brutal treatment I've received all my life from broadcasters and frauds, I have been discouraged from pursuing rewards from the entertainment business. My motives for producing my creative content, especially my music and poetry, are faith based.

Back when I thought I was atheist, I said that I was merely following my nature by producing creative work. To some degree, that is true. But now that I have been restored to my faith in God, I am commanded to make use of the gifts that God gave me. It's in the New Testament somewhere, a parable about a father who gives each of his sons a gold coin. One of them buries it in the ground and returns it to his father unused. For this he lost the competition with his two brothers, each of whom made use of their coins to produce added wealth.

When someone gives you a gift, they are hurt if you tuck it away somewhere and let it collect dust. If you love the person, it's up to you to honor them by cherishing and making use of your gift. By developing and making use of the gifts that God gave me, I'm loving God. For this I pay a high price as I clash with the greed and dishonesty of the Satanic crime culture led by an evil commercial broadcasting business and its stars. While no material reward may be forthcoming for this sacrifice, I expect to receive a priceless spiritual reward for it.

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© 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.