Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Note on Immortality

I would like to explain the moral of one of my short stories, Immortality, written in a rather naive and yet undeveloped style back in 2004. The story is about a penny pinching asshole who gets scientists to lengthen his lifespan indefinitely so he will not have to part with his money. As he ages, he is wounded by tragedies that make him less enthusiastic about his life in this world. As he ages, he also grows wise and with this wisdom he comes to value his money less and less. The story ends with his suicide, when he finally realizes that he can not cheat death in a world that was only designed for temporary use.

Do not wait until you are on your deathbed to realize what is truly important in this life. By then it may be too late.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Easy to Believe in Hell

Some people wonder how I can endure this terrible time of injustice when I stand alone against a vast, evil apparatus like the out-of-control U.S. arms industry. This is where my faith in God comes in. In order to accept unjust suffering, we need to see some reason for it. We need to see why God allows evil like Dick Cheney and George Bush and NBC to take root in our world and cause so much harm. My experience as an artist helps me to answer the question.

When Christ was being led to his cruel execution, he said 'Now is the time when the power of darkness prevails.' Darkness is essential to our world. My drawings demand dark areas which help to define the illuminated ones. There can be no light without darkness and there can be no good without evil. This is why there are evil, damned souls sharing this world with the righteous. This is why there must be a Hell to dispense with the otherwise destructive presence of the hateful on the scale of eternity. My foreknowledge of the divine justice which awaits the souls of the wicked who defy me lets me accept whatever fleeting gains they may make in this fleeting reality.

More Statements Scripts Songs

© 2007, 2015. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.