Wednesday, March 21, 2012

No Kidding

Christ's teaching to become as a child to enter the Kingdom of God actually agrees with scientific theory. I read in an anthropology book a while ago that chimpanzee infants parallel human infants in intelligence until the age of four. After that, the intellectual development in chimpanzees is choked off by their materialistic search for bananas and sex, while human infants continue to indulge in abstract thinking and their brains continue to develop. It is a process called neoteny, by which adults retain childish characteristics, that raises us above other primates. And according to Christ, childish imagination doesn't just give us the Theory of Relativity and heavier-than-air flight, it also gives us the Kingdom of God.

June 30, 2017: When I originally posted the above I overlooked an even more important aspect of childhood: it is the most sincere time of our lives. We adore children because they are totally sincere. They only know how to be themselves, having not yet adopted the imitative practices of their elders. Even an unhappy girl is cute as she makes no effort to hide her grumpy face. Since the Kingdom of God is fashioned from your own heart, you cannot find it unless you are being yourself and no one else, like such a child. To assume the air and manner of someone else separates you from the Kingdom of God. I owe La Rochefoucauld for opening my eyes to this insight.

July 3, 2017: After being forced to eat raw pasta, as a result of sharing my kitchen with someone who is seventeen years my senior, I am compelled to share this next thought on the importance of entering the Kingdom of God as a child. From what I can tell, a lot of seniors take their advanced years as a kind of license to pass premature judgement on their juniors. Well, God Almighty is timeless, and He certainly outranks us all in age. The very same logic that a senior might use to presume superiority over a junior could be leveled by God against him. I'm sure my young readers would support my contention that such arrogance will be punished by God in the hereafter. God is the oldest and wisest being in the universe and He will not tolerate any sort of arrogance arising from outranking mere mortals in age; take it from a fifty-one-year-old. How old was Jesus at his crucifixion? Thirty-three? God is expecting a child when He meets you. How much have you learned in all your years on earth? If you have learned anything here, it better be humility, at least if you want any hope of salvation in the life to come. Amen!

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